[Ubuntu-US-CA] Fwd: Ubuntu Party Weekend…

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 27 20:55:52 UTC 2010

Hey everyone,

This was posted to the contacts list earlier and Jono has gotten
things jump started by planning an Ubuntu California Global Jam event
on Friday, August 27th:


I went ahead and created a Project page for this so we can brainstorm
and add more events as they get organized:


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach at ubuntu.com>
Date: Tue, Jul 27, 2010 at 6:59 AM
Subject: Ubuntu Party Weekend…
To: ubuntu-event-planners at lists.ubuntu.com, "Ubuntu local community
team (LoCo) contacts" <loco-contacts at lists.ubuntu.com>

… also known as Ubuntu Global Jam is coming up swiftly, so make sure you
put 27th-29th August into your calendar and talk your local Ubuntu
friends into participating.


Ok, so it’s Ubuntu Global Jam. What does that mean? What’s going to happen?

Simple. It’s going to happen what you make happen. Whatever your team
enjoys doing is great. The only requirements are: it needs to be fun and
it should make Ubuntu better somehow.

Ok. What does that mean?

We had loads of different jams around the world already: events where
people get together locally and make Ubutnu better by working on bugs,
packaging, translations, documentation, testing, upgrading or whatever
else they enjoy doing.


In the past we had events all around the globe, where new friends met
for the first time, people learned from each other, people from other
open source projects were invited and where everybody (most importantly)
had a fantastic time.

If your LoCo team already knows when and where it’s going to happen, add
the event to the LoCo Directory. We set up the event on loco.ubuntu.com


https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams has lots of information on how to to
organise the event properly, and what kind of preparation your team
mates should look into depending on what your team wants to do. Stay
tuned for tuition sessions where you can ask all your questions. A good
place for getting that information is of course loco-contacts or the
ubuntu-event-planners mailing list.

If you're part of a LoCo team, please bring it up with your team, talk
to them, find out what they like, meet and make Ubuntu rock even harder.

Have a great day,

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Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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