[Ubuntu-US-CA] Cal Poly LUG Free Your Machine

Grant Bowman grantbow at ubuntu.com
Thu Apr 22 01:42:42 UTC 2010

If there is anyone in the Cal Poly area, here's an event just
announced.  Unfortunately I can't attend but it sounds interesting.
If you attend please give a quick description of how it went.


Grant Bowman

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Pearson <james.m.pearson at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 5:44 PM
Subject: [CPLUG Announce] CPLUG Free Your Machine
To: announce at lists.cplug.org
Cc: Diane Nott <dnott at calpoly.edu>

The Cal Poly Linux Users Group (CPLUG) is proud to announce our
quarterly next-generation Free Your Machine, scheduled for this
Saturday, April 24, 10AM-2PM in 20-124.  Come bring your computer, old
or new, fast or slow, and we'll help you install Linux on it, while
keeping your data safe and secure.  There won't be another chance for
this kind of awesome assistance until Fall, so act now!

But wait - there's more!  We will be selling our spiffy black and
nifty white CPLUG tshirts at the event for $15, and pizza for $1 a
slice (bring small bills, please!).  We won't accept any new installs
after 1:30, so make sure to be on time if you don't want to miss this
amazing event.


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