[Ubuntu-US-CA] OSCON page updated; discussion topics from last meeting

Robert Wall robertlikesturtles at gmail.com
Sun May 24 04:59:54 UTC 2009

Hi everyone!

I've updated our wiki page about OSCON with a bunch of information, like
times and dates and activities. If you've been meaning to look into it,
now would be a good time to start :). It's at

Things you can do!

 * If you have ideas for activities we can do at our OSCON booth, add
them to the page. We'll hone down the list to a suitable number at some
point, so don't worry about having too many ideas!

 * If there's a good chance you'll be attending OSCON, and you want to
help out at the booth, it'd be great if you could put your name up on
the wiki page (or reply to this email) so we can get an idea of how many
people we have. You don't need to commit to anything yet, though; July
is still a while away, so work/school/[your busy activity here] still
have plenty of time to get in the way.

At the May 17th IRC meeting, we decided to move a few topics to the
mailing list for further discussion. Here are some discussionful topics:

 * Internet and power at the booth: we would have to pay for both. Some
people think we should do that; some people think we should use a laptop
or two for demonstrative purposes but focus more on talking (it's
cheap!) to people.

 * What resources do we need to bring? Ubuntu CDs (how many, what
flavor), tables, computers, handouts, etc.

 * what activities do we want to do? (see also wiki page)

Thanks for reading!

PS: If you've attended Ubuntu California events in the past and have
time on your hands, the event pages linked on
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects would love any
write-ups, information, photos, etc. you can contribute :)

Robert Wall <robertlikesturtles at gmail.com>
Web: http://www.rww.name/
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