[Ubuntu-US-CA] OSCON Conference Pack

Nathan Haines nhaines at ubuntu.com
Tue Jul 14 15:47:25 UTC 2009

On Tue, 2009-07-14 at 01:30 -0700, Grant Bowman wrote:
> Are you aware that Ernest Rogers (who printed several hundred CD
> sleeves and has funded the OSCON electric bill) is also the Director
> of Marketing for www.ragga-wear.com which is a well funded new company
> that fulfills garment orders for very large companies?  How far is
> 13621 South Main Street in LA from where you work and/or live?  He's

I wasn't aware of that.  It's a 2 mile detour from my normal commute

> I am sure all we need to do is
> provide the artwork and we all could have shirts in the next couple of
> weeks with no questions asked.  Do you think chocolate "Ubuntu Guru"
> shirts with the CA logo instead would be good?

There isn't any artwork (if there were, we'd have shirts by now).  A
couple of ideas are being looked into but it's a bit of a background
priority, and will probably pick up steam--like a lot of things--after

I don't think chocolate Ubuntu Guru shirts would be a good idea.
They're far too dark for my taste.  (It should be noted that "my taste"
in this matter means something that's easy to read from 30 or 40 feet
away.  I love my guru shirt but readability seems very poor.)

Nathan Haines <nhaines at ubuntu.com>
Ubuntu California Local Community Team

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