[Ubuntu-US-CA] OSCON

Larry Cafiero larry.cafiero at gmail.com
Thu Apr 30 16:57:34 UTC 2009

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:02 PM, Joe Smith <yasumoto7 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> I've got a rough draft for our OSCON application, and wanted to run it by
> you all. Here's the request:
>> Please email me a 50-word company description and a hi-res logo. We prefer
>> vector-based art (such as an Adobe Illustrator file), and if that is not
>> possible we need a CMYK, 300 dpi file of the logo at least 3" wide. I also
>> need the url you would like your logo to be linked to.
> Here's my description:
>  Ubuntu promises to provide an up-to-date, stable experience for the
> average user, with a strong focus on usability and ease of installation. The
> Ubuntu California Team will demonstrate the various flavors of Ubuntu and
> will be on hand to answer questions attendees may have about the Ubuntu
> Linux distribution.

Putting on my editor's hat for a moment, I'd have to say this is good, Joe.
To tighten it up a little I'd make the following changes:

Ubuntu provides an up-to-date, stable experience for the average user, with
a strong focus on usability and ease of installation. The Ubuntu California
Team will demonstrate the various flavors of Ubuntu and will answer
questions about the Ubuntu Linux distribution.

[Taking out what I think are extraneous words and phrases only. Otherwise
the original was fine.]

Larry Cafiero
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