[Ubuntu-US-CA] Meeting Tonight (5/18) at 1900PDT

Neal Bussett neal at bussett.com
Sun May 18 21:16:51 UTC 2008

Howdy all,
Just a reminder that we are having a meeting tonight at 7pm (1900PDT) in 
#ubuntu-california on Freenode.

We don't currently have any official agenda topics, but we'll cover some 
recent announcements and any other business anyone has.  Hopefully we'll 
get to cover the recently discussed talks at NOCCC if Joe's at the 
meeting (hint hint Mr. Smith).

If you have anything you'd like to add to the Agenda, bring it tonight, 
or mention it here (or in the channel) at some point today.

See you all tonight!

Neal Bussett
Ubuntu California

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