[Ubuntu-US-CA] Installfest at CSULB

Glenn Zucman gzucman at csulb.edu
Sun Feb 17 11:01:51 UTC 2008

Thanks for everybody's feeback!

Dennis asked about the theater for installing:
Well, it's nice because it's the "classroom" for my 250 Art Appreciation 
students. So for whatever few of them that are interested, it's the 
easiest place to get to. Desktops are, of course, welcome, but 
realistically, I'd expect mostly peeps to be bringin in their laptops. 
The convenience of screening the film and then using the space seems 
pretty great... I think a few tables and for that matter, the stage 
floor, should be decent for installing.

Joe asked if I know anyone in CSULB-Comp Sci to get involved with us
Actually, I don't... but I'll get on that ASAP and try to rustle up both 
some install-ER help and some install-EES from CS.

Nathan mentioned it'd be a shame to install a few days before Ubuntu 
8.04 LTS on April 24
I agree... however that's getting down to the very end of the 
semester... if we go any later people will be buried in finals... plus 
if they need post-install help everyone will be gone for summer. So I 
think it's better to install when we can and upgrade if necessary. BTW, 
since I'm interested in graphics & audio, I'd install Ubuntu Studio - 
does that also release on April 24? Or does it come later?

So based on that and the other replies I've requested a Wed evening in 
April for the theater. I've requested either April 16, 23, or 30. I'll 
let you know when we find out what is available. If the 30th is 
available we could take that... or if we can only get earlier then we'd 
do that.

6-7p big-screen screening of //Revolution OS//
7-10p Installfest "on stage" (will bring in tables, chairs, AC)

Thank You!

-- Glenn

Glenn Zucman
Lecturer, Department of Art
California State University, Long Beach
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