[ubuntu-arizona] AzLoCo Weekley meeting 11/01/2020

Todd Cole toddc at azloco.com
Mon Nov 2 04:33:05 UTC 2020

== Meeting information ==
 * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoCo meeting, 02 Nov at 04:00 — 04:30 UTC
 * Full logs at

== Meeting summary ==

''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az
''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam
''LINK:'' https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing
''LINK:'' http://linuxgizmos.com/modberry-controller-advances-to-raspberry-pi-cm4/
''LINK:'' https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2020/10/a-reminder-of-some-recent-linux-game-releases-october-2020-edition
''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-20-10-groovy-gorilla-is-now-available-for-download-this-is-whats-new
''LINK:'' https://www.theregister.com/2020/10/26/linux_kernel_intel/
''LINK:'' https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-and-open-source-jobs-are-hotter-than-ever/
''LINK:'' https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-use-zip-on-linux
''LINK:'' https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/yaml-beginners
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/how-add-simple-progress-bar-shell-script
''LINK:'' https://vitux.com/how-to-set-timers-alarms-and-stopwatches-on-centos-8/
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tcp-analysis-wireshark
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/article/20/10/advanced-git-tips
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/article/20/10/old-hardware-openbsd
''LINK:'' https://vitux.com/how-to-format-a-usb-drive-in-debian/
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxlinks.com/colorls-turbocharged-alternative-ls/
''LINK:'' https://www.maketecheasier.com/fix-broken-packages-ubuntu/
''LINK:'' https://itsfoss.com/apt-cache-command/
''LINK:'' https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-set-up-wireguard-vpn-on-ubuntu-20-04/
''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/monitor-ubuntu-performance-using-netdata/
''LINK:'' https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-and-configure-squid-proxy-on-ubuntu-20-04/
''LINK:'' https://www.tecmint.com/find-out-which-process-listening-on-a-particular-port/
''LINK:'' https://www.cyberciti.biz/security/how-to-backup-and-restore-luks-header-on-linux/
''LINK:'' https://www.maketecheasier.com/do-you-need-boot-partition-linux/
''LINK:'' https://www.linuxtechi.com/configure-nginx-tcp-udp-loadbalancer-linux
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/article/20/10/ansible-modules-linux
''LINK:'' https://www.rosehosting.com/blog/how-to-install-rainloop-on-ubuntu-20-04/
''LINK:'' https://vitux.com/how-to-add-ppa-repositories-in-debian/
''LINK:'' https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-and-use-siege-benchmarking-tool-on-ubuntu/
''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-21-04-is-slated-for-release-on-april-22-2021
''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/libreoffice-7-0-3-released-with-more-than-90-bug-fixes-update-now
''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects
''LINK:'' https://www.zippia.com/linux-administrator-jobs/best-states/#
''LINK:'' https://www.zippia.com/linux-administrator-jobs/best-states/#
''LINK:'' https://canonical.com/careers
''LINK:'' https://bloodsystems.taleo.net/careersection/vitalantexttier1/jobdetail.ftl?job=201163&tz=GMT-07%3A00&tzname=America%2FPhoenix
''LINK:'' https://www.gdit.com/careers/search/
''LINK:'' https://careers.bankofamerica.com/en-us/job-search?ref=search&city=phoenix&state=arizona&country=united+states&searchstring=phoenix%2C+arizona%2C+united+states&start=0&rows=10&search=jobsByCityState
''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/pro1-x-smartphone-to-ship-with-android-lineage-os-or-ubuntu-touch
''LINK:'' https://9to5linux.com/linux-lite-5-2-officially-released-based-on-ubuntu-20-04-1-lts
''LINK:'' https://www.azloco.org/arizona-lugs/. Recommend that you go
to the individual LUG’s web site and or contact them for the latest
up to date information on their activities because of the Covid-19

== Vote results ==

== Done items ==

 * (none)

== People present (lines said) ==

 * toddc (72)
 * stephenm (65)
 * MajB (35)
 * Eleison23 (5)
 * meetingology (3)
 * markthomas (1)

== Full Log ==

 04:00 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoCo meeting

 04:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Nov  2 04:00:21 2020 UTC.
The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at

 04:00 <meetingology>

 04:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

 04:00 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1

 04:00 <MajB> +1

 04:00 <Eleison23> +1

 04:00 <markthomas> +1

 04:00 <toddc> +1

 04:00 <stephenm> +1

 04:00 <toddc> Star Date 98436.72

 04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/

 04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/

 04:01 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980

 04:01 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az

 04:01 <toddc> old school tonight BBB is offline

 04:01 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/

 04:01 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam

 04:01 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam

 04:01 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting
at anytime.

 04:02 <toddc> I will either way wanted or not

 04:02 <toddc> Anyone that would like to contribute to the weekly news
items may add them to this list

 04:02 <toddc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing

 04:02 <toddc> stephenm will be bring us the news tonight!

 04:02 <stephenm> News is a bit all over the place like usual

 04:03 <stephenm> ModBerry controller advances to Raspberry Pi CM4

 04:03 <stephenm>

 04:03 <stephenm> A reminder of some recent Linux game releases -
October 2020 edition

 04:03 <stephenm>

 04:03 <stephenm> Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla) Is Now Available for
Download, This Is What's New

 04:03 <stephenm>

 04:03 <stephenm> trinyg 20.04 in a VM, not going well

 04:03 <stephenm> Linux kernel's Kroah-Hartman: We're not struggling
to get new coders, it's code review that's the bottleneck

 04:03 <stephenm> https://www.theregister.com/2020/10/26/linux_kernel_intel/

 04:03 <stephenm> Linux and open-source jobs are hotter than ever

 04:03 <stephenm>

 04:04 <stephenm> with the pandemic, not sure about this yet

 04:04 <stephenm> How to use zip on Linux

 04:04 <stephenm> https://linuxconfig.org/how-to-use-zip-on-linux

 04:04 <stephenm> YAML for beginners

 04:04 <stephenm> https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/yaml-beginners

 04:04 <stephenm> Anyone have good ideas for YAML?  I'm OK with
Ansible but actual YAML not so much

 04:04 <stephenm> How to Add a Simple Progress Bar in Shell Script

 04:04 <stephenm>

 04:04 <stephenm> How to set Timers, Alarms, and Stopwatches on CentOS 8

 04:04 <stephenm>

 04:05 <stephenm> TCP Analysis with Wireshark

 04:05 <stephenm> https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/tcp-analysis-wireshark

 04:05 <stephenm> 7 Git tricks that changed my life

 04:05 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/article/20/10/advanced-git-tips

 04:05 <stephenm> Somewhat neat tricks but Git is awesome by itself

 04:05 <stephenm> Bring old hardware back to life with OpenBSD

 04:05 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/article/20/10/old-hardware-openbsd

 04:05 <stephenm> How to Format a USB drive in Debian 10

 04:05 <stephenm> https://vitux.com/how-to-format-a-usb-drive-in-debian/

 04:06 <stephenm> colorls - turbocharged alternative to ls

 04:06 <stephenm>

 04:06 <stephenm> no much difference from what I read

 04:06 <stephenm> How to Fix Broken Packages in Linux

 04:06 <stephenm> https://www.maketecheasier.com/fix-broken-packages-ubuntu/

 04:06 <stephenm> How to Use apt-cache Command in Debian, Ubuntu and
Other Linux Distributions

 04:06 <stephenm> https://itsfoss.com/apt-cache-command/

 04:06 <stephenm> How to Set Up WireGuard VPN on Ubuntu 20.04

 04:06 <stephenm>

 04:06 <stephenm> How to Monitor Ubuntu Performance Using Netdata

 04:06 <stephenm>

 04:06 <stephenm> How to Install and Configure Squid Proxy on Ubuntu 20.04

 04:06 <stephenm>

 04:07 <stephenm> 3 Ways to Find Out Which Process Listening on a
Particular Port

 04:07 <stephenm>

 04:07 <stephenm> How to backup and restore LUKS header on Linux

 04:07 <stephenm>

 04:07 <stephenm> Do You Need a Boot Partition in Linux?

 04:07 <stephenm>

 04:07 <stephenm> How to Configure NGINX as TCP/UDP Load Balancer in Linux

 04:07 <stephenm>

 04:07 <stephenm> 10 Ansible modules for Linux system automation

 04:07 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/article/20/10/ansible-modules-linux

 04:08 <stephenm> Useful tools in Ansible, too bad my job is all Windows base

 04:08 <stephenm> How to Install RainLoop on Ubuntu 20.04

 04:08 <stephenm>

 04:08 <stephenm> How to add/remove PPA repositories in Debian'

 04:08 <stephenm> https://vitux.com/how-to-add-ppa-repositories-in-debian/

 04:08 <stephenm> How to Install and Use Siege Benchmarking Tool on Ubuntu 20.04

 04:08 <stephenm>

 04:08 <stephenm> That's all the news I have for tonight, back to toddc

 04:09 <MajB> Thanks stephenm

 04:09 <toddc> Great job stephenm!

 04:09 <stephenm> welcome

 04:09 <toddc> thank you any other news?

 04:09 <MajB> Ubuntu 21.04 Is Slated for Release on April 22, 2021

 04:09 <MajB> https://9to5linux.com/ubuntu-21-04-is-slated-for-release-on-april-22-2021

 04:09 <MajB> LibreOffice 7.0.3 Released with More Than 90 Bug Fixes, Update Now

 04:09 <MajB> https://9to5linux.com/libreoffice-7-0-3-released-with-more-than-90-bug-fixes-update-now

 04:10 <MajB> Those 2 might be of interest

 04:10 <toddc> MajB: any canceled events?


 04:10 <MajB> 26 November, Virtual Tempe Ubuntu Hour.  Conflict with

 04:10 <MajB> 24 December, Virtual Tempe Ubuntu Hour.  Conflict with
Christmas Eve.

 04:11 <MajB> That's all

 04:11 <toddc> please take note of those I could get in trouble and
also check out the calendar on azloco.org

 04:12 <toddc> also remober to visit the team store @

 04:13 <toddc> may good for the holidays

 04:13 <toddc> We have a team projects if anyone would like to take on a project

 04:13 <toddc> Team Projects Page

 04:13 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects

 04:14 <toddc> it been stalled a bit latley but great projects if you
want to learn how we can always assit someone with a project

 04:14 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES/JOKES

 04:14 <toddc> READY????

 04:15 <stephenm> nope

 04:15 <toddc> Why do vampire's use linux?

 04:15 <toddc> Because they don't like windows in their house

 04:15 <toddc> Where do sysadmins go when they die

 04:15 <Eleison23> plasma

 04:15 <MajB> You can do better than that

 04:15 <toddc> To the cloud

 04:15 <toddc> My ex wouldn't have been a very good sysadmin...

 04:16 <toddc> She was very much a $user.

 04:16 <toddc> What do dyslexic sysadmins eat for breakfast?

 04:16 <toddc> Cronflakes.

 04:16 <toddc> I hacked Russia's servers last night and got caught...

 04:16 <toddc> I was Putin jail.

 04:16 <Eleison23> infinite froot loops

 04:17 <toddc> Local Linux jobs

 04:17 <toddc> here is a interesting break down of sysadnin jobs by location

 04:17 <toddc> https://www.zippia.com/linux-administrator-jobs/best-states/#

 04:18 <toddc> https://www.zippia.com/linux-administrator-jobs/best-states/#

 04:18 <toddc> Canonical has 92 open positions

 04:18 <toddc> Canonical has 92 open positions

 04:18 <toddc> hmm copy fail

 04:18 <toddc> https://canonical.com/careers

 04:19 <toddc> Sr. Systems Engineer (Linux)

 04:19 <toddc> https://bloodsystems.taleo.net/careersection/vitalantexttier1/jobdetail.ftl?job=201163&tz=GMT-07%3A00&tzname=America%2FPhoenix

 04:19 <toddc> General Dynamics IT Several jobs in AZ with a linux background

 04:19 <toddc> https://www.gdit.com/careers/search/

 04:19 <Eleison23> unfortunate domain name

 04:19 <toddc> I have several freinds there and they like it

 04:20 <toddc> Back of America Phoenix has several openings

 04:20 <toddc> https://careers.bankofamerica.com/en-us/job-search?ref=search&city=phoenix&state=arizona&country=united+states&searchstring=phoenix%2C+arizona%2C+united+states&start=0&rows=10&search=jobsByCityState

 04:20 <toddc> Runs LINUX

 04:20 <toddc> Pro1 X Smartphone to Ship with Ubuntu Touch

 04:20 <toddc> https://9to5linux.com/pro1-x-smartphone-to-ship-with-android-lineage-os-or-ubuntu-touch

 04:21 <toddc> I am looking at the app list might worth testing but I
would need a cheaper phone

 04:21 <toddc> Spot Light

 04:21 <toddc> Ubuntu Linux Lite 5.2 Officially Released

 04:22 <toddc> https://9to5linux.com/linux-lite-5-2-officially-released-based-on-ubuntu-20-04-1-lts

 04:22 <toddc> UP COMING EVENTS is brought to us by MajB tonight!

 04:22 <MajB> AZLOCO Events and Activities:   Because of the Covid-19
virus, many if not all events are being held virtually on Big Blue
Button, https://bbb.azloco.net

 04:22 <MajB> Detailed information with map locations can be found on
our web site  https://www.azloco.org/az-team-calendar/.

 04:23 <MajB> 05 November,  Virtual Tempe Ubuntu Hour -
https://bbb.azloco.net , 1900-2000.  Meet us, ask questions, learn
about Linux and open source software, or just hang for a bit with
other users.

 04:23 <MajB> 07 November,  Virtual AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux
Workshop, 1000-1600,  https://bbb.azloco.net  Anyone can attend.  All
are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal
computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running
that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing
problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source
Software.  Bring your personal proj

 04:23 <MajB> ects, help others with theirs, spend time assisting with
installations or problem solving, or spend some time talking about

 04:23 <MajB> 12 November, Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour, 1800-1900,
Schlotzsky's Cafe, 3900 E. Fry Blvd. Sierra Vista. An hour to take
time out of your busy schedule to relax, have a cup of coffee, talk
about Ubuntu, Linux, and FOSS, and perhaps discover a different
operating system for your personal computer that is free to download,
free to install, free to use, and free to change to meet your own
personal desires.

 04:23 <MajB> 12 November, Virtual Phoenix Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000,

 04:23 <MajB> Meet with Linux users.  Learn about Linux operating
systems or discuss your problems and questions with them. Everyone is

 04:24 <MajB> 21 November,  Virtual AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux
Workshop, 1000-1600,  https://bbb.azloco.net  Anyone can attend.  All
are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal
computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running
that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing
problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source
Software.  Bring your personal proj

 04:24 <MajB> ects, help others with theirs, spend time assisting with
installations or problem solving, or spend some time talking about

 04:24 <MajB> That's all I have

 04:24 <toddc> FLOX_Advocate would you like to do the Plug news and events?

 04:25 <toddc> MajB: ....

 04:25 <MajB> Rah

 04:25 <MajB> AZ LUG Activities.

 04:25 <MajB> Detailed information for each LUG activity with map
locations can be found at

 04:25 <MajB> https://www.azloco.org/arizona-lugs/.  Recommend that
you go to the individual LUG’s web site and or contact them for the
latest up to date information on their activities because of the
Covid-19 situation.

 04:25 <MajB> Most events are being held on line.

 04:26 <toddc> I think the SeaGL is this weekend

 04:26 <MajB> Phoenix Linux User Group  http://phxlinux.org Until
further notice all PLUG events are being conducted on line.

 04:26 <MajB> Tucson Computer Society, Linux Special Interest Group

 04:26 <MajB> Phoenix 2600 http://phx2600.com/

 04:27 <MajB> Sunland Linux User Group http://www.svecc.com/SLUG/slug.htm

 04:27 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group

 04:27 <MajB> Meeting on 21 November 1-3:45 pm.  Location:  143 Street
Tacos, 80 S. Carmichael Ave., Sierra Vista

 04:27 <MajB> That is all folks

 04:27 <Eleison23> I believe that SeaGL will be Nov.13-14

 04:28 <toddc> It may be I was in a disussion about them using BBB and
testing it for it and new there was not a lot of time left

 04:29 <toddc> Thank you MajB !

 04:29 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS

 04:29 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects Questions ???

 04:29 <toddc> great meeting tonight that is all I have anyone have
anything else?

 04:30 <toddc> Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a
while if you have any questions

 04:30 <toddc> #endmeeting

Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)

Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
2928 W El Caminito
Phoenix AZ  85051-3957
toddc at azloco.com
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