[ubuntu-arizona] Team Re-verification 2017

Rex Bouwense majb at azloco.com
Mon Aug 14 17:26:12 UTC 2017

     It is time for the Ubuntu Arizona Local Community Team to be 
re-verified by the LoCo Council. See 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Re-validationApplication2017for the 
Re-validation application. If you have any input, please send it to Rex 
Bouwense, majb at azloco.com.
     We are on the LoCo Council’s agenda for re-verification at their 12 
September meeting. It will be on the #Ubuntu-meeting channel on 
irc.freenode.net. The start time is 2000 UTC (1300 our time). Attend if 
you can to support your local Team.

Rex Bouwense
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