[ubuntu-arizona] AZLOCO Meeting 13 November 2016

Rex Bouwense majb at azloco.com
Mon Nov 14 04:47:35 UTC 2016

== Meeting information ==
  * #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoco meeting, 14 Nov at 04:00 — 04:27 UTC
  * Full logs at [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2016/ubuntu-us-az.2016-11-14-04.00.log.html]]

== Meeting summary ==

''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az
''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam
''LINK:'' https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/minor-vivaldi-1-4-web-browser-update-makes-adobe-pepper-flash-work-on linux-510069.shtml#ixzz4Pa8u1dMc
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/life/16/11/right-way-help-users-learn-your-software
''LINK:'' http://venturebeat.com/2016/11/03/u-s-government-launches-code-gov-to-showcase-its-open-source-software/
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/life/16/11/build-virtual-reality-app-linux
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/life/16/11/creating-stop-motion-animation-stopgo
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/open-organization/16/10/open-means-not-movement
''LINK:'' http://www.eweek.com/pc-hardware/slideshows/trueos-succeeds-pc-bsd-desktop-friendly-unix-os.html
''LINK:'' http://www.networkworld.com/article/3139302/open-source-tools/six-big-projects-that-went-open-source.html
''LINK:'' https://linuxconfig.org/python-lists
''LINK:'' http://linoxide.com/gui/setup-minecraft-multiplayer-server-ubuntu-16-04/
''LINK:'' https://medium.com/linode-cube/set-up-openvpn-on-ubuntu-16-04-for-safetys-sake-d73b7ec7e465#.fl1o7n272
''LINK:'' https://opensource.com/life/16/11/guide-beginner-contributors
''LINK:'' http://hackerboards.com/can-linux-containers-save-iot-from-a-security-meltdown/
''LINK:'' http://hackerboards.com/720mhz-openwrt-modules-offer-dual-band-wifi/
''LINK:'' http://linoxide.com/file-system/hadoop-hdfs-shell-commands/
''LINK:'' http://www.zdnet.com/article/when-to-use-nginx-instead-of-apache/
''LINK:'' https://budgie-remix.org/
''LINK:'' http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/
''LINK:'' http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/3-amazing-linux-apps-i-never-knew-existedthree-awesome-linux-apps-id-never-heard
''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects
''LINK:'' https://jobs.lever.co/cruise
''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies
''LINK:'' http://www.nextstepsystems.com/j_southwest.htm
''LINK:'' https://faithlife.com/jobs/SoftwareDeveloper
''LINK:'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TjWu7snyI&feature=youtu.be
''LINK:'' https://wire.com/
''LINK:'' https://github.com/thjaeger/easystroke/wiki
''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar
''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/
''LINK:'' http://www.meetup.com/Tucson-Linux-Meetup/

== Vote results ==

== Done items ==

  * (none)

== People present (lines said) ==

  * toddc (80)
  * stephenm (40)
  * MajB (30)
  * Ron_A (5)
  * meetingology (3)
  * wmack (3)
  * pavlos (1)
  * mark91 (1)

== Full Log ==

  04:00 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoco meeting

  04:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Nov 14 04:00:01 2016 UTC.  The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.

  04:00 <meetingology>

  04:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick

  04:00 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1

  04:00 <Ron_A> +1

  04:00 <stephenm> +1

  04:00 <MajB> +1

  04:00 <toddc> +1

  04:00 <mark91> +1

  04:00 <wmack> +1

  04:00 <pavlos> +1

  04:00 <toddc> Star Date 94472.25

  04:00 <toddc> Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to see us or talk to us

  04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/

  04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/

  04:01 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980

  04:01 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az

  04:01 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/

  04:01 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam

  04:01 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam

  04:01 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.

  04:01 <toddc> Anyone that would like to contribute to the weekly news items may add them to this list

  04:01 <toddc> https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GWAvccPcqzG3CqhAyQ-7LmQ-lIy5F2taNPpxuAVIrzk/edit?usp=sharing

  04:02 <toddc> stephenm will be bring us the news tonight!

  04:02 <stephenm> OK the news started from simple to more in-depth

  04:02 <stephenm> Minor Vivaldi 1.4 Browser Update Makes Adobe Pepper Flash Work Better on Linux

  04:02 <stephenm> http://news.softpedia.com/news/minor-vivaldi-1-4-web-browser-update-makes-adobe-pepper-flash-work-on linux-510069.shtml#ixzz4Pa8u1dMc

  04:02 <stephenm> 4 steps to better documentation: How to get users the exact answer to the problem

  04:02 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/life/16/11/right-way-help-users-learn-your-software

  04:03 <stephenm> ^ This is a very serious problem

  04:03 <stephenm> U.S. government launches Code.gov to showcase its open-source software

  04:03 <stephenm> http://venturebeat.com/2016/11/03/u-s-government-launches-code-gov-to-showcase-its-open-source-software/

  04:03 <stephenm> Build a VR app in 15 minutes with Linux

  04:03 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/life/16/11/build-virtual-reality-app-linux

  04:03 <stephenm> Creating stop motion animation with StopGo

  04:03 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/life/16/11/creating-stop-motion-animation-stopgo

  04:03 <stephenm> Open is a means, not a movement

  04:03 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/open-organization/16/10/open-means-not-movement

  04:03 <stephenm> TrueOS Succeeds PC-BSD Desktop-Friendly Unix OS

  04:03 <stephenm> http://www.eweek.com/pc-hardware/slideshows/trueos-succeeds-pc-bsd-desktop-friendly-unix-os.html

  04:03 <stephenm> Six big projects that went open-source

  04:03 <stephenm> http://www.networkworld.com/article/3139302/open-source-tools/six-big-projects-that-went-open-source.html

  04:04 <stephenm> Python Lists

  04:04 <stephenm> https://linuxconfig.org/python-lists

  04:04 <stephenm> How to Setup Minecraft Multiplayer Server on Ubuntu 16.04

  04:04 <stephenm> http://linoxide.com/gui/setup-minecraft-multiplayer-server-ubuntu-16-04/

  04:04 <stephenm> Set up OpenVPN on Ubuntu 16.04 — For Safety’s Sake!

  04:04 <stephenm> https://medium.com/linode-cube/set-up-openvpn-on-ubuntu-16-04-for-safetys-sake-d73b7ec7e465#.fl1o7n272

  04:04 <stephenm> Stop searching for projects and start searching for bugs

  04:04 <stephenm> https://opensource.com/life/16/11/guide-beginner-contributors

  04:04 <stephenm> Can Linux containers save IoT from a security meltdown?

  04:04 <stephenm> http://hackerboards.com/can-linux-containers-save-iot-from-a-security-meltdown/

  04:05 <stephenm> 720MHz OpenWrt modules offer dual-band WiFi

  04:05 <stephenm> http://hackerboards.com/720mhz-openwrt-modules-offer-dual-band-wifi/

  04:05 <stephenm> 30 Most Frequently Used Hadoop HDFS Shell Commands

  04:05 <stephenm> http://linoxide.com/file-system/hadoop-hdfs-shell-commands/

  04:05 <stephenm> ​When to use NGINX instead of Apache

  04:05 <stephenm> http://www.zdnet.com/article/when-to-use-nginx-instead-of-apache/

  04:05 <stephenm> that is all the news that I have for tonight

  04:05 <toddc> Great job stephenm!

  04:05 <MajB> Thank you stephenm.  Great job.

  04:06 <wmack> Thank you stephenm

  04:06 <toddc> two more to add

  04:06 <Ron_A> good job stephenm

  04:06 <toddc> new ubuntu flavor

  04:06 <toddc> https://budgie-remix.org/

  04:06 <toddc> UOS November 2016

  04:07 <toddc> UOS November 2016

  04:07 <toddc> Starts: Tue, 15 Nov 2016 14:00:00 UTC

  04:07 <toddc> Ends: Wed, 16 Nov 2016 20:00:00 UTC

  04:07 <toddc> http://summit.ubuntu.com/uos-1611/

  04:08 <toddc> 3 Great Linux Apps I Never Knew Existed

  04:08 <toddc> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/3-amazing-linux-apps-i-never-knew-existedthree-awesome-linux-apps-id-never-heard

  04:08 <toddc> Is there any other news we missed?

  04:08 <toddc> We have a team projects if anyone would like to take on a project

  04:08 <wmack> you mean in general, or Linux-related?

  04:08 <toddc> Team Projects Page

  04:09 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects

  04:09 <toddc> wmack: both!

  04:09 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES/JOKES

  04:10 <toddc> Google Maps really needs to start its directions on number five. I am pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood.

  04:10 <toddc> I can still remember a time when I knew more than my phone.

  04:10 <Ron_A> A C program is like a fast dance on a newly waxed dance floor by people carrying razors.

  04:11 <toddc> "Help Microsoft fight software piracy: Give Linux to a friend today!"

  04:12 <toddc> Linux Local Jobs

  04:12 <toddc> several scottsdale based IT working with self driving car testing

  04:12 <toddc> https://jobs.lever.co/cruise

  04:12 <toddc> 27 current canonical Jobs today

  04:12 <toddc> http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies

  04:12 <toddc> break/fix server engineer Tempe

  04:12 <toddc> http://www.nextstepsystems.com/j_southwest.htm

  04:12 <toddc> Software Developer Tempe

  04:13 <toddc> https://faithlife.com/jobs/SoftwareDeveloper

  04:13 <toddc> thank you to the linux action show for the following links

  04:13 <toddc> Runs LINUX

  04:13 <toddc> 21,600 FPS for $2500 - Chronos High Speed Camera - Sneak Peek!

  04:13 <toddc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5TjWu7snyI&feature=youtu.be

  04:13 <toddc> Desktop Picks

  04:14 <toddc> End to end encryption, open source through and through communication

  04:14 <toddc> https://wire.com/

  04:14 <toddc> Spot Light

  04:14 <toddc> Easystroke is a gesture-recognition application for X11

  04:14 <toddc> https://github.com/thjaeger/easystroke/wiki

  04:14 <toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS

  04:15 <toddc> If you would like a Owncloud account on the team server contact any team admin

  04:15 <toddc> UP COMMING EVENTS is brought to us by MajB tonight!

  04:15 <MajB> AZLOCO Events and Activities:

  04:15 <MajB> Detailed information with map locations can be found on our web site http://azloco.org/node/28

  04:15 <MajB> 17 November, Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour, 1800-1900, Schlotzsky's Cafe, 3900 Fry Blvd., Sierra Vista. *** Notice*** This is a date change because of Thanksgiving.  An hour to take time out of your busy schedule to relax, have a cup of coffee, talk about Ubuntu, Linux, and FOSS, and perhaps discover a different operating system for your personal computer that is free to download, free to install, free to use, and free to change to meet you

  04:16 <MajB> 17 November, Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2000, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe.          *** Notice*** This is a date change because of Thanksgiving. Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users.

  04:16 <MajB> 19 November, AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600 University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd., Tempe.  Anyone can attend.  All are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software

  04:16 <MajB> 01 December, Tempe Ubuntu Hour, 1900-2100, Xtreme Bean, 1707 E. Southern Ave., Tempe.  Come out and meet us or ask questions and learn Linux open source or just hang for a bit with other users.

  04:17 <MajB> 03 December, AZLOCO/PLUG Installfest/Linux Workshop, 1000-1600 University of Advancing Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Rd., Tempe.  Anyone can attend.  All are welcome.  We can install most Linux distributions on personal computers, servers, routers, Raspberry Pi's or almost anything running that Linux can run on.  We are also happy to guide you through fixing problems, answer your questions or simply discuss Free and Open Source Software

  04:17 <MajB> That is all that I have.

  04:17 <Ron_A> Thanks MajB

  04:17 <stephenm> great job MajB

  04:17 <toddc> ubuntu on air

  04:17 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar

  04:17 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/

  04:17 * MajB bows

  04:18 <toddc> Ubuntu Community Team Q&A

  04:18 <toddc> When Tue, November 15 8-9am

  04:18 <toddc> Where#ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net

  04:18 <toddc> also be advised they are moving to you-tube soon

  04:18 <toddc> FernHans would you like to do the Plug news and events?

  04:20 <toddc> Free Software Stammtisch

  04:20 <toddc> When: Third Tuesday of each month at 7:00PM (People usually start arriving as early as 6 though)

  04:20 <toddc> Where: Boulders on Southern,  1010 W Southern Ave, Mesa, Arizona 85210

  04:21 <MajB> Phoenix Linux User Group (PLUG) meeting on 08 December 7-10 pm.  Desert Breeze Substation, 251 N. Desert Breeze Blvd., Chandler AZ.  http://phxlinux.org/

  04:21 <toddc> OTHER LUG EVENTS

  04:22 <MajB> AZ LUG Activities.

  04:22 <MajB> Detailed information for each LUG activity with map locations can be found at http://www.azloco.org/node/225.

  04:22 <MajB> Tucson Free Unix Group meeting on 20 November 2:30-3:30, Cafe Luce,  Main Gate Square, 943 E University Blvd #191, Tucson AZ .

  04:22 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 26 November 2-3:45 pm.  Sierra Vista Public Library, conference room, 2600 E. Tacoma St., Sierra Vista AZ.   http://cochiselinux.com/

  04:22 <MajB> Tucson Computer Society, Linux Special Interest Group meeting on 27 November 3-5 pm.  Adam D. Technology, 71 W. Jacinto St., Tucson, AZ.  http://www.aztcs.org/sigs/linux.shtml

  04:22 <MajB>

  04:22 <MajB> Phoenix2600 meeting on 02 December 6-7 pm.  HeatSync Labs, 140 W. Main St., Mesa AZ.  http://phx2600.org/

  04:22 <MajB> Raspberry Pi LED Holiday Party on 3 December 10-5 pm. McClelland Hall 214, UA Campus, Tucson.  Join us Saturday, December 3, 2016, as the Forensics/Infosec, Python, and Linux Meetup groups join forces with the (ISC)2 Tucson Chapter and the UA MIS department to host a holiday LED workshop.  Learn how to assemble an LED light show from a Raspberry Pi and LED light strand – that will make your neighbors jealous. In this workshop, you wi

  04:23 <toddc> cool

  04:23 <toddc> Thank you MajB !

  04:23 <MajB> Tucson Free Unix Group meeting on 04 December 2:30-3:30, Cafe Luce,  Main Gate Square, 943 E University Blvd #191, Tucson AZ .

  04:23 <MajB> Tucson Linux Meetup on 06 December 6-8 pm. Summit Hut, 5251 E. Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ.

  04:23 <MajB> http://www.meetup.com/Tucson-Linux-Meetup/

  04:24 <MajB> Linux User Group of Yavapai Countu (LUGY) (social gathering) on 13 December 6:30-9:30 pm.  Location TBD (See https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/lugy/conversations/messages for latest update on location), Prescott, AZ.

  04:24 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group meeting on 14 December 5-6 pm.  University of Arizona, Sierra Vista campus, room C165A, 1140 Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista AZ.   http://cochiselinux.com/

  04:24 <MajB> Sunland Linux User Group (SLUG) meeting on 14 December 6-8 pm.  Sunland Village East, The Computer Club Training Facility, 2145 S. Farnsworth Dr., Mesa AZ.

  04:24 <MajB> That is all that I have

  04:24 <toddc> Thank you MajB !

  04:24 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS

  04:24 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects???

  04:25 <MajB> AZLOCO and CLUG will be co-sponsoring and Installation Festival in Sierra Vista AZ on 28 January 2017, 10-4 pm. University of Arizona South, Sierra Vista campus, Resource Learning Center commons area, 1140 Colombo Ave., Sierra Vista AZ.   http://cochiselinux.com/

  04:25 <toddc> that is all I have anyone have anything else to bring up?

  04:26 <toddc> I do plan to drive down for the installfest    carpool

  04:26 <MajB> Excellent

  04:26 <toddc> great meeting tonight that is all I have anyone have anything else?

  04:26 <MajB> Bring stephenm with you

  04:26 <stephenm> uh?

  04:26 <Ron_A> Thanks everyone

  04:26 <toddc> Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a while if you have any questions

  04:27 <stephenm> thanks you toddc and MajB

  04:27 <stephenm> night all

  04:27 <toddc> #endmeeting

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