[ubuntu-arizona] azloco weekley meeting
Todd Cole
toddc at azloco.com
Mon Aug 31 04:45:50 UTC 2015
== Meeting information ==
* #Ubuntu-US-AZ: AZLoco meeting, 31 Aug at 04:00 — 04:30 UTC
* Full logs at
== Meeting summary ==
''LINK:'' http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az
''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209
''LINK:'' http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam
''LINK:'' http://ubuntuportal.com/2015/08/ddrescue-gui-ubuntu.html
''LINK:'' http://www.serverwatch.com/server-news/blue-box-openstack-lands-on-ibm-softlayer-servers.html
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/puppy-linux-s-sister-quirky-7-1-distro-arrives-with-tools-for-android-app-developers-490066.shtml
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/astro-pi-is-the-name-of-the-raspberry-pi-2-that-s-going-to-space-490053.shtml
''LINK:'' https://www.maketecheasier.com/defragment-linux/
''LINK:'' http://www.unixmen.com/install-pxe-server-and-configure-pxe-client-on-centos-7/
''LINK:'' http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Intel-Pumps-OpenStack-Up-82430.html
''LINK:'' http://www.datamation.com/open-source/is-linux-right-for-you.html
''LINK:'' https://github.com/lfit/itpol/blob/master/linux-workstation-security.md
''LINK:'' http://www.zdnet.com/article/ubuntu-linux-continues-to-rule-the-cloud/
''LINK:'' http://www.pcworld.com/article/2975800/operating-systems/how-to-find-out-if-your-pc-is-compatible-with-linux.html
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/is-there-such-thing-as-too-many-gnu-linux-distributions-490166.shtml
''LINK:'' http://xmodulo.com/setup-system-status-page.html
''LINK:'' https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2015/8/competing-and-partnering-iot-market-s-early-days
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-says-windows-10-is-a-good-reason-to-move-to-ubuntu-490249.shtml
''LINK:'' http://news.softpedia.com/news/owncloud-desktop-client-2-0-arrives-with-support-for-multiple-accounts-more-490072.shtml
''LINK:'' http://opensource.com/business/15/8/docs-or-it-didnt-happen
''LINK:'' http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2015/08/20/using-the-content-hub-on-ubuntu/
''LINK:'' http://www.eweek.com/enterprise-apps/slideshows/kde-plasma-5.4-enhances-linux-desktop-experience.html
''LINK:'' http://scribblesandsnaps.com/2015/08/28/transform-an-android-device-into-an-open-source-camera/
''LINK:'' http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/google-chrome-will-block-auto-playing-flash-ads-from-september-1/
''LINK:'' http://www.techrepublic.com/article/heres-the-one-major-problem-facing-munich-after-switching-from-windows-to-linux/
''LINK:'' https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yunfTkvGdT0
''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects
''LINK:'' http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-team-banner-ubuntu-brand-guidelines/2169
''Vote:'' Top banner (Carried)
''Vote:'' Original banner (Carried)
''LINK:'' https://jobs.insight.com/
''LINK:'' http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies
''LINK:'' http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/
''LINK:'' https://www.viasat.com/careers/openings
''LINK:'' https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592
''LINK:'' https://plus.google.com/+ShannonBehrens/posts/SPtSWchs1qR?pid=6185604874184115426&oid=115478738847874567952
''LINK:'' https://github.com/yudai/gotty
''LINK:'' http://choqok.gnufolks.org/
''LINK:'' http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to
meet new/old users and chat about linux
''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/
''LINK:'' http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/
''LINK:'' https://plus.google.com/events/crl9db2ht30rua234tj45n8dg7g
''LINK:'' https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-registration-now-open
''LINK:'' https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-call-papers-opens-june-10
== Vote results ==
* [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2015/ubuntu-us-az.2015-08-31-04.00.log.html#91
Top banner]]
* Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 6/0/0)
* Voters paul_be, pirateP, hobbet1, wmack, stephenm, julian1
* [[http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-us-az/2015/ubuntu-us-az.2015-08-31-04.00.log.html#110
Original banner]]
* Motion carried (For/Against/Abstained 2/0/1)
* Voters paul_be, MajB, toddc
== Done items ==
* (none)
== People present (lines said) ==
* toddc (154)
* meetingology (22)
* xHans (15)
* bird_dog (13)
* MajB (9)
* paul_be (3)
* hobbet1 (3)
* mark91 (2)
* pirateP (2)
* wmack (2)
* stephenm (2)
* julian1 (2)
* wipmonkey (1)
* hippyjake (1)
== Full Log ==
04:00 <toddc> #startmeeting AZLoco meeting
04:00 <meetingology> Meeting started Mon Aug 31 04:00:24 2015 UTC.
The chair is toddc. Information about MeetBot at
04:00 <meetingology>
04:00 <meetingology> Available commands: action commands idea info link nick
04:00 <julian1> +1
04:00 <stephenm> +1
04:00 <toddc> Welcome to AZLoCo IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1
04:00 <hippyjake> +1
04:00 <pirateP> +1
04:00 <toddc> +1
04:00 <bird_dog> +1
04:00 <paul_be> +1
04:00 <MajB> +1
04:00 <toddc> Star Date 93265.56
04:00 <hobbet1> +1
04:01 <toddc> Some of us are in http://bbb.azloco.net if you want to
see us or talk to us
04:01 <wmack> +1
04:01 <toddc> Team Website is http://azloco.org/
04:01 <toddc> IRC stats http://www.azloco.com/~ircstats/
04:01 <toddc> Team membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980
04:01 <toddc> http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az
04:01 <toddc> Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/
04:01 <toddc> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209
04:01 <toddc> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam
04:01 <toddc> https://www.facebook.com/UbuntuAZTeam
04:01 <toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting
at anytime.
04:02 <toddc> LINUX NEWS
04:02 <toddc> The news is for beginner to expert users pick and
choose what to read test and try!
04:02 <toddc> Thanks to turbidtux and programmer317 for the news.
04:02 <toddc> Ddrescue-GUI: Front-End for Ddrescue Command-line Tool
04:02 <wipmonkey> +1
04:02 <toddc> http://ubuntuportal.com/2015/08/ddrescue-gui-ubuntu.html
04:03 <toddc> Blue Box OpenStack Lands on IBM Softlayer Servers
04:03 <toddc> http://www.serverwatch.com/server-news/blue-box-openstack-lands-on-ibm-softlayer-servers.html
04:03 <toddc> Puppy Linux's Sister Quirky 7.1 Distro Arrives with
Tools for Android App Developers
04:03 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/puppy-linux-s-sister-quirky-7-1-distro-arrives-with-tools-for-android-app-developers-490066.shtml
04:03 <toddc> Astro Pi Is the Name of the Raspberry Pi 2 That's Going to Space
04:03 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/astro-pi-is-the-name-of-the-raspberry-pi-2-that-s-going-to-space-490053.shtml
04:03 <toddc> How to Defragment Linux Systems
04:03 <toddc> https://www.maketecheasier.com/defragment-linux/
04:04 <toddc> hi mark91
04:04 <toddc> Install PXE Server And Configure PXE Client On CentOS 7
04:04 <MajB> Hello mark91
04:04 <toddc> http://www.unixmen.com/install-pxe-server-and-configure-pxe-client-on-centos-7/
04:04 <mark91> hi toddc
04:04 <toddc> Intel Pumps OpenStack Up
04:04 <toddc> http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Intel-Pumps-OpenStack-Up-82430.html
04:04 <toddc> Is Linux Right For You?
04:04 <toddc> http://www.datamation.com/open-source/is-linux-right-for-you.html
04:05 <toddc> Linux workstation security checklist
04:05 <toddc> https://github.com/lfit/itpol/blob/master/linux-workstation-security.md
04:05 <toddc> Ubuntu Linux continues to rule the cloud
04:05 <toddc> http://www.zdnet.com/article/ubuntu-linux-continues-to-rule-the-cloud/
04:05 <toddc> How to find out if your PC is compatible with Linux
(New user guide)
04:05 <toddc> http://www.pcworld.com/article/2975800/operating-systems/how-to-find-out-if-your-pc-is-compatible-with-linux.html
04:06 <toddc> Is There Such Thing as Too Many GNU/Linux Distributions?
04:06 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/is-there-such-thing-as-too-many-gnu-linux-distributions-490166.shtml
04:06 <toddc> How to set up a system status page of your infrastructure
04:06 <toddc> http://xmodulo.com/setup-system-status-page.html
04:06 <toddc> Competing and partnering in IoT market's early days
04:06 <toddc> https://enterprisersproject.com/article/2015/8/competing-and-partnering-iot-market-s-early-days
04:06 <mark91> hi majB
04:06 <toddc> Canonical Says Windows 10 Is a Good Reason to Move to Ubuntu
04:06 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/canonical-says-windows-10-is-a-good-reason-to-move-to-ubuntu-490249.shtml
04:07 <toddc> ownCloud Desktop Client 2.0 Arrives with Support for
Multiple Accounts, More
04:07 <toddc> http://news.softpedia.com/news/owncloud-desktop-client-2-0-arrives-with-support-for-multiple-accounts-more-490072.shtml
04:07 <toddc> Docs or it didn't happen
04:07 <toddc> http://opensource.com/business/15/8/docs-or-it-didnt-happen
04:07 <toddc> Using the content hub on Ubuntu
04:07 <toddc> http://www.kryogenix.org/days/2015/08/20/using-the-content-hub-on-ubuntu/
04:08 <toddc> KDE Plasma 5.4 Enhances Linux Desktop Experience
04:08 <toddc> http://www.eweek.com/enterprise-apps/slideshows/kde-plasma-5.4-enhances-linux-desktop-experience.html
04:08 <toddc> Transform an Android Device into an Open Source Camera
04:08 <toddc> http://scribblesandsnaps.com/2015/08/28/transform-an-android-device-into-an-open-source-camera/
04:08 <toddc> Google Chrome to block auto-playing Flash ads starting
September 1
04:08 <toddc> http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2015/08/google-chrome-will-block-auto-playing-flash-ads-from-september-1/
04:08 <toddc> Here's the one 'major problem' facing Munich after
switching from Windows to Linux
04:09 <toddc> http://www.techrepublic.com/article/heres-the-one-major-problem-facing-munich-after-switching-from-windows-to-linux/
04:09 <toddc> How to Use Rsync File Copying Tool
04:09 <toddc> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yunfTkvGdT0
04:09 <toddc> TEAM NEWS
04:09 <toddc> Team Projects Page
04:09 <toddc> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/TeamProjects
04:09 <toddc> hippyjake has made some new banners that follow the
Ubuntu Brand Guidelines.
04:10 <toddc> http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/new-team-banner-ubuntu-brand-guidelines/2169
04:10 <toddc> The original banner can be used but does not strictly
follow the Ubuntu guidelines
04:10 <toddc> We had a vote last week and had a tie between the upper
banner and the orignal banner there will be 2 votes. Each at 2 minutes
to enter your vote
04:10 <toddc> Votes are given by saying +1, 0 or -1 on the channel
04:11 <toddc> Vote #1 will be for the top banner
04:11 <toddc> Vote #2 will be for staying with the original Banner
04:11 <toddc> #vote Top banner
04:11 <meetingology> Please vote on: Top banner
04:11 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0
or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote
+1/-1/+0 #channelname)
04:11 <paul_be> +1
04:11 <meetingology> +1 received from paul_be
04:11 <wmack> +1
04:11 <meetingology> +1 received from wmack
04:11 <stephenm> +1
04:11 <meetingology> +1 received from stephenm
04:12 <hobbet1> +1
04:12 <meetingology> +1 received from hobbet1
04:12 <julian1> +1
04:12 <meetingology> +1 received from julian1
04:13 <pirateP> +1
04:13 <meetingology> +1 received from pirateP
04:13 <toddc> #endvote
04:13 <meetingology> Voting ended on: Top banner
04:13 <meetingology> Votes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0
04:13 <meetingology> Motion carried
04:13 <toddc> #vote Original banner
04:13 <meetingology> Please vote on: Original banner
04:13 <meetingology> Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0
or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote
+1/-1/+0 #channelname)
04:13 <toddc> +1
04:13 <meetingology> +1 received from toddc
04:14 <MajB> +1
04:14 <meetingology> +1 received from MajB
04:14 <bird_dog> hey...I abstained!
04:14 <paul_be> +0
04:14 <meetingology> +0 received from paul_be
04:15 <toddc> #endvote
04:15 <meetingology> Voting ended on: Original banner
04:15 <meetingology> Votes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:1
04:15 <meetingology> Motion carried
04:15 <toddc> the Banner will be changed!
04:15 <toddc> California Loco has asked if we can assist with Scale
14 on the Ubuntu booth. We currently have three
04:15 <toddc> that are planning to assist them at scale.
04:16 <toddc> MarkT has been working all week to update and repair
some issues on the team Owncloud server
04:16 <toddc> please thank him for all the work he has done he has
put in many hours on this project!
04:16 <MajB> Thank you markthomas.
04:16 <toddc> LINUX QUOTES
04:17 <toddc> Printed on a Tshirt
04:17 <toddc> Thou shalt not kill -9
04:17 <toddc> JOB list
04:17 <bird_dog> lol
04:17 <MajB> :-D
04:17 <toddc> Linux/Unix Engineer
04:17 <toddc> https://jobs.insight.com/
04:17 <toddc> 34 current canonical Jobs today
04:17 <toddc> http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies
04:17 <toddc> Multiple jobs at Limelight Software Engineer (Big Data)
04:18 <toddc> http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/
04:18 <toddc> several linux admin jobs at ViaSat
04:18 <toddc> https://www.viasat.com/careers/openings
04:18 <toddc> Systems Administrator Scottsdale
04:18 <toddc> https://www.fireapps.com/job-detail/?id=592
04:18 <toddc> Runs LINUX
04:18 <toddc> Burger King’s ordering system system – RUNS LINUX
(zoom into the back center display)
04:18 <toddc> https://plus.google.com/+ShannonBehrens/posts/SPtSWchs1qR?pid=6185604874184115426&oid=115478738847874567952
04:19 <toddc> Weekly Desktop app Pick
04:19 <toddc> Share your terminal as a web application
04:19 <toddc> https://github.com/yudai/gotty
04:19 <toddc> Spot Light
04:19 <toddc> Choqok ( pronounced: tʃœˈÊÊŠk ) is a Free/Open
Source micro-blogging client for K Desktop Environment.
04:19 <toddc> http://choqok.gnufolks.org/
04:20 <toddc> UP COMMING EVENTS
04:20 <toddc> West side Ubuntu hour
04:20 <bird_dog> wait...pronounced what?
04:20 <toddc> YES!
04:20 <toddc> THAT
04:20 <toddc> spell it out!
04:21 <toddc> West side Ubuntu Hour will be September 02, 7pm – 9pm
at Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA
http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28, Arizona
04:21 <bird_dog> I refuse!
04:21 <toddc> If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu or open source
Stop by and say hi to some other users and find
04:21 <toddc> out who what and where and how. to install use and
promote Linux and open source
04:21 <MajB> I knew there was a reason I didn't use KDE
04:21 <toddc> Tempe Ubuntu Hour
04:21 <toddc> Thursday September 03 at 7PM is the Ubuntu Hour at
Extreme Bean in Tempe at Southern and McClintock
04:21 <toddc> http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour
to meet new/old users and chat about linux
04:21 <toddc> and open source. Stop by and say hi!! email
toddc at azloco.com for more information or http://www.azloco.org/node/28
04:21 <toddc> Linux Installfest
04:22 <toddc> Sat, September 05, 10am – 4pm University of Advancing
Technology: 2625 W Baseline,Tempe, AZ 85283
04:22 <toddc> Anyone interested in learning more about open source or
Linux is invited to a open workshop!
04:22 <toddc> We can just chat or we can install almost any version
of Linux on your computer router or all most any device that can run
on linux
04:22 <toddc> (you must bring everything needed to use your computer
e.g. monitor, keyboard, cords, router, server, etc).
04:22 <toddc> Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour
04:22 <toddc> Sierra Vista Ubuntu Hour is Thursday September 24th.
2014 7 MST , 6PM to 7 PM
04:22 <toddc> Schlotzsky's Cafe 3900 East Fry Blvd. Sierra Vista AZ 85635
04:22 <toddc> Purpose: Come and learn about Ubuntu (a Linux Operating
System) for your computer
04:23 <toddc> see http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/ for
more information
04:23 <toddc> Linux Training
04:23 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/ but often not updated
till the event starts
04:23 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/
04:23 <toddc> http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/
04:23 <toddc> Community Team Q&A
04:23 <toddc> WhenTue, September 01, 8am -9am local time
04:23 <toddc> Where#ubuntu-on-air on irc.freenode.net
04:23 <toddc> xHans would you like to do the Plug news and events?
04:23 <xHans> ja, danke
04:24 <xHans> PLUG east side is a week from Thursday
04:24 <xHans> topics are git and fish ( a replacement shell,
http://fishshell.com/ )
04:24 <xHans> we are seeking presentations for October, let me know
if you have a suggestion
04:24 <toddc> bird_dog: stick around a few minutes after
04:24 <bird_dog> k
04:24 <xHans> the Free Software Stammtisch will now have quarterly job nights
04:24 <xHans> the next job events will be before the October
Stammtisch at 18:00
04:24 <xHans> we will have a jobs networking event, please invite
engineers and managers from groups that are hiring
04:24 <xHans> https://plus.google.com/events/crl9db2ht30rua234tj45n8dg7g
04:24 <xHans> the 'PLUG' code will get you a discount on SCaLE 14x registration
04:24 <xHans> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-registration-now-open
04:24 <xHans> SCaLE has moved to Pasadena in January
04:24 <xHans> new location, same great Free Software conference
04:24 <xHans> SCaLE cfp already open
04:25 <xHans> https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/blog/scale-14x-call-papers-opens-june-10
04:25 <xHans> that's it, thanks again for the great inter-group cooperation!
04:25 <toddc> Thank you xHans for all the assistance and plug events
04:25 <toddc> OTHER LUG EVENTS
04:25 <toddc> Lugy (Prescott users group) Tue, September 08, 6:30pm
– 9:30pm
04:25 <toddc> Hungry Monk 218 W Goodwin St Prescott, AZ 928-237-4759
04:26 <toddc> Tucson Computer Society Linux SIG meets on the fourth
Sunday from 3-5pm at the
04:26 <toddc> Pima county Medical Society 5199 East Farness Drive Tucson AZ
04:26 <toddc> MajB: any new event?
04:26 <MajB> Cochise Linux User Group (CLUG) meeting 16 September 5-6
pm University of Arizona South, Room C165 North 1140 Colombo Ave.,
Sierra Vista AZ
04:26 <toddc> FUTURE EVENTS
04:26 <toddc> Any thoughts on other events or projects???
04:26 <MajB> Estrella Mountain Linux User Group meeting 30 September
6-7 pm Clubhouse Grill 14175 W. Indian School Rd., Goodyear AZ
04:27 <toddc> cool
04:27 <hobbet1> 24 Post Reach 8 People Engaged for this week for facebook
04:27 <toddc> nice we should all that as regular item!
04:27 <toddc> that is all I have anyone have anything else?
04:28 <bird_dog> one small thing
04:28 <bird_dog> my boss said to put in suggestions for donations of equipment
04:29 <bird_dog> I put in for some routers switches and some laptops for AZLoco
04:29 <bird_dog> has not been approved as yet
04:29 <bird_dog> I will let you know
04:29 <bird_dog> (I guess you will know when I walk into the Install
Fest with a bunch of stuff)
04:29 <toddc> cool keep us updated thank you very much
04:29 <bird_dog> that is all :)
04:30 <MajB> Have we been approved yet by the LoCo Council?
04:30 <toddc> not yet but we are still good till next month
04:30 <toddc> Thanks for coming here tonight I will be here for a
while if you have any questions
04:30 <toddc> #endmeeting
Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)
Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ 85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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