[ubuntu-arizona] azloco weekley meeting 05/11/2014
Todd Cole
toddc at azloco.com
Mon May 12 05:01:22 UTC 2014
[21:02] toddcnb Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a
+1[21:02] toddcnb +1[21:03] toddcnb Star Date 91963.23 check it at
http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/stardate.php[21:03] markthomas
+1[21:03] toddcnb Team wiki site is
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam[21:03] toddcnb Team Website is
http://azloco.org/[21:03] MajB +1[21:03] toddcnb Team membership
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=445980[21:03] toddcnb
https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az[21:03] toddcnb
Team events portal http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/[21:03]
toddcnb http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-arizona/1209[21:04]
toddcnb Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at
anytime.[21:04] toddcnb some of us are in
https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk to
us[21:04] toddcnb IRC stats[21:04] toddcnb
toddcnb lets start with the news!![21:04] toddcnb Open Government Week
starts May 12[21:04] toddcnb
toddcnb Do we really need more giant phablets?[21:05] toddcnb
toddcnb Raspberry Pi stop motion animation[21:05] toddcnb
-->| [R] (~rbox at unaffiliated/rbox) has joined #Ubuntu-US-AZ[21:05]
toddcnb Why ARM Servers, And Why Now?[21:05] toddcnb
toddcnb Robolinux turns your C Drive into a virtual Windows machine
you can run in Linux[21:05] toddcnb
toddcnb How to use LVM in Linux[21:05] toddcnb
http://xmodulo.com/2014/05/use-lvm-linux.html[21:06] toddcnb US
Military Drones Migrating To Linux[21:06] toddcnb
toddcnb 10 nerdiest Linux gadgets[21:06] toddcnb
toddcnb New Unreal Tournament Announced, Linux Support Is A Go & Will
Be Free[21:06] toddcnb
|<-- jsamuel has left freenode ()[21:06] toddcnb How to run Docker
containers on CentOS or Fedora[21:06] toddcnb
toddcnb Microsoft Office might be coming to Linux[21:06] toddcnb
toddcnb XBMC 13.0 `Gotham` Released[21:07] toddcnb
toddcnb Install Atom (New Text Editor Developed By GitHub) In Ubuntu
Via PPA[21:07] toddcnb
toddcnb Linux pros use tweak tools to customize their OS, and so can
you[21:07] toddcnb
toddcnb CoreOS Advances Linux Container Vision[21:07] toddcnb
toddcnb HP Is Going All In with Hardware/Software OpenStack
Strategy[21:08] toddcnb
toddcnb How to verify DDOS attack with netstat command on Linux
Terminal[21:08] toddcnb
toddcnb D-Link enters IoT space with a smart AC socket[21:08] toddcnb
toddcnb Ubuntu Privacy Remixan is a isolated working environment where
sensitive data can be dealt with safely. The system installed on the
computer running UPR remains untouched,[21:08] toddcnb
https://www.privacy-cd.org/[21:09] toddcnb TEAM NEWS[21:09] toddcnb
should we cancel the fooling events due to holidays[21:09] toddcnb or
will everyone be availible?[21:09] toddcnb Sunday 5/25 weekly meeting
(Memorial day weekend)[21:09] toddcnb Saturday 7/5 installfest (4th
July weekend)[21:09] toddcnb Sunday 7/6 weekly meeting (4th July
weekend)[21:09] toddcnb Sunday 8/31 weekly meeting (Labor day
weekend)[21:09] toddcnb #vote holidaysoff[21:10] toddcnb +1[21:10]
MajB +1[21:10] markthomas +1[21:10] MajB That makes it
unanimous[21:10] toddcnb +1's have it[21:11] toddcnb I get a few days
off with pay[21:11] toddcnb wmack and I are up for ubuntu memberships
will be before the board[21:11] toddcnb on Wednesday may 21 2014 at
12:00 UTC if you happen to be free stop by the #ubuntu-meeting to give
us support Tuesday evening 5:00pm local[21:12] toddcnb Thanks to wmack
his spare modem seems to have saved the day and got us/me back online
and stable again[21:12] xHans so 17:00 on Stammtisch night?[21:13]
toddcnb xHans yes the other meeting wmack would be out of town[21:13]
toddcnb it seems that Tucson is unable to secure a location to hold a
ubuntu hour so if anyone has contacts or ideas but I would consider
just showing up at any coffee shop for a ubuntu hour I doubt any
coffee shop would object to 4-6 people hanging out drinking and
talking computers for a hour or two[21:14] MajB toddc I managed to
attend the Mountain View Computer Users Group (Sierra Vista) on
Saturday 10 May. Twenty three people were in attendance. Not
bad[21:14] MajB UNfortuately 21 of them were Mac users, 1 Microsoft
Windows, and me.[21:15] toddcnb very good indeed let us know if we can
help talks or ?? we can do linux talks on BBB[21:15] toddcnb Ubuntu
14.04 DVD's are In and ready to passout[21:16] toddcnb JOB list[21:16]
toddcnb 40 current canonical Jobs they are adding more each day[21:16]
toddcnb http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies[21:16] toddcnb
http://www.ashleyellis.com[21:16] toddcnb Pixar Animation Studios**
Systems Admin[21:16] toddcnb www.pixar.com/careers[21:16] toddcnb
Senior Linux Systems Administrator Tempe AZ[21:16] toddcnb
www.blinkx.com[21:17] toddcnb CUSTOMER SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (PHOENIX)
data center support[21:17] toddcnb
toddcnb IT Security Administrator (Phoenix)[21:17] toddcnb
toddcnb Runs LINUX[21:17] toddcnb Flying 3D printer could seal off
nuclear waste[21:17] toddcnb
toddcnb Linux App of the week[21:18] toddcnb atom. A hackable text
editor for the 21st Century[21:18] toddcnb https://atom.io/[21:18]
toddcnb TEAM SERVER NEWS[21:19] toddcnb Wmack has added the IRC stats
page[21:19] toddcnb adrenaline has updated the azloco.org page[21:19]
toddcnb markthomas has re routed azloco to make it available
everywhere[21:19] toddcnb we still need to locate a data center to
host team projects[21:19] markthomas reverse proxy[21:19] toddcnb
TEMPE INSTALL-FEST[21:19] toddcnb The next Azloco/plug installfest is
Saturday May 17 that UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from
Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4PM Room 206/207 this month 48st and
Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the[21:20] toddcnb front building.
For more information see calender at
http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28[21:20] toddcnb We will also be
streaming all events on http://azlocobbb.banditti.com/[21:20] toddcnb
If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems feel free
to show up[21:20] toddcnb WEST SIDE UBUNTU HOUR[21:20] toddcnb West
side Ubuntu hour will be June 4th 7pm – 9pm[21:20] toddcnb Starbucks
Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA
http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28, Arizona[21:20] toddcnb If you are
interested in Linux Ubuntu or open source Stop by and say hi to some
other users and find[21:20] toddcnb out who what and where and how. to
install use and promote Linux and open source.[21:20] toddcnb There
were 6 people at the May event[21:21] toddcnb TEMPE UBUNTU HOUR[21:21]
toddcnb Thursday May 29 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreame in Tempe
southern and McClintock[21:21] toddcnb http://xtremebeancoffee.com
this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux
and[21:21] toddcnb open source. Stop by and say hi!! email
toddc at azloco.com for more information[21:21] toddcnb NORTH INSTALLFEST
has been canceled for the summer[21:21] toddcnb LINUX TRAINING[21:21]
toddcnb Linux Intro Course Available Online for Free[21:21] toddcnb
use the code free[21:21] toddcnb
toddcnb ubuntu on-air[21:22] toddcnb http://ubuntuonair.com/[21:22]
toddcnb http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/[21:22] toddcnb
#ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net[21:22] toddcnb Jono Bacon Q&A
Tuesday May 13 at 11 am local time every Tuesday[21:22] toddcnb JuJu
charm school May 16 noon local time[21:22] toddcnb Ubuntu Engineering
Live! May 14 7 AM[21:22] toddcnb FUTURE EVENTS[21:22] toddcnb Any
thoughts on other events or projects???[21:22] toddcnb xHans would you
like to do the Plug news?[21:23] xHans sure, danke[21:23] xHans
Free Software Stammtisch is a week from Tuesday[21:23] xHans
xHans we had a great turnout ( lots of fresh faces as well ) for the
"Simple Techniques for Online Password Security" talk last
Thursday[21:24] xHans unfortunately, it looks like we don't have
usable video[21:24] markthomas [21:24] xHans I will work on
getting the content online via screencasts and/or blog entries[21:25]
xHans if you know of another group in town that would like the
presentation, please let me know[21:25] toddcnb we will try to get bbb
upgraded to record for the next event[21:25] xHans and that's it
from me for tonight, danke[21:26] toddcnb thanks you xHans[21:26]
xHans bitte[21:26] toddcnb that is all I have anything anyone else
has?[21:27] toddcnb Thanks for coming here tonight I will be hear here
for a while if you have any questions
Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ 85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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