[ubuntu-arizona] AzLoCo Meeting 2014-03-16

Jason Mann tuxmann at azloco.com
Mon Mar 17 04:32:40 UTC 2014

9:00:17 PM      TuxMann  Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with
a +1

9:00:25 PM      markthomas  +1

9:00:27 PM      toddc  +1

9:00:40 PM      TuxMann  Star Date 91810.01 check it at

9:00:48 PM      TuxMann  Team wiki site https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam

9:01:00 PM      TuxMann  Team Website is http://azloco.org/

9:01:21 PM      TuxMann  Team membership

9:01:30 PM      wmack  +1

9:01:33 PM      TuxMann

9:01:35 PM      toddc  hi markthomas

9:01:46 PM      markthomas  Hi, toddc

9:01:52 PM      TuxMann  Team events portal

9:02:03 PM      TuxMann

9:02:17 PM      TuxMann  Feel free to make comments and add input to our
meeting at anytime.

9:02:23 PM       dave joined the channel.

9:02:28 PM      TuxMann  Some of us are in https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if
you want to see us or talk to us

9:02:37 PM      TuxMann  Anybody here that is new tonight?

9:02:47 PM       dave is now known as Guest61842.

9:02:48 PM      TuxMann  Please introduce yourself and tell us a bit about

9:03:06 PM      TuxMann  lets start with the news!!

9:03:13 PM      TuxMann  UBUNTU NEWS

9:03:32 PM      TuxMann  Ubuntu is the most used OS for production
OpenStack deployments

9:03:40 PM      TuxMann

9:03:48 PM      TuxMann  How to setup Ubuntu in virtualbox

9:04:03 PM      TuxMann

9:04:09 PM      TuxMann  Final stage XP vs. Ubuntu

9:04:14 PM      Guest61842  just learni g about linux have been to a couple
of install fests the folks there are very nice and knowledgeable

9:04:34 PM      TuxMann  Great! I'm Jason at the installfests

9:04:41 PM      TuxMann

9:04:57 PM      toddc  cool welcome Guest61842

9:05:03 PM      TuxMann  Chromium browser succesfully ported to Ubuntu's
Mir display server

9:05:17 PM      TuxMann

9:05:30 PM      TuxMann  Canonical CEO: Ubuntu wants to power everything
from smartphones to the cloud

9:05:43 PM      TuxMann

9:05:54 PM      TuxMann  Mir Display Server May Not Arrive on Desktops As
Default Until 2016

9:06:19 PM      TuxMann

9:06:38 PM      TuxMann  The Leap Motion Controller Now Supports Linux

9:06:50 PM      TuxMann

9:06:56 PM       Rich_ joined the channel.

9:07:09 PM      TuxMann  Your bank will pay Microsoft to keep running its

9:07:12 PM      toddc  hi Rich_

9:07:16 PM      TuxMann  Hi rich_

9:07:19 PM      Rich_  Hello

9:07:27 PM      TuxMann

9:07:36 PM      TuxMann  eplicant Developers Find Backdoor In Android
Samsung Galaxy Devices

9:07:45 PM      TuxMann

9:07:59 PM      TuxMann  Intel processors now get OS locked

9:08:07 PM      TuxMann

9:08:18 PM      TuxMann  Mozilla and Epic Preview Unreal Engine 4 Running
in Firefox

9:08:35 PM      TuxMann

9:08:44 PM      TuxMann  Happy Birthday RMS https://rms.sexy/

9:08:57 PM      TuxMann  TEAM NEWS

9:09:04 PM      TuxMann  We want to thank you for the great Install Fest at
Sun Village last Saturday.  We really appreciated all the volunteers help
to get Linux installed on 15 computers.

9:09:27 PM      TuxMann  Any thought's to improve that type event next
time?  More CD/DVD media

9:09:47 PM      TuxMann  Learn to build a update repo on a hdd so we do
need Internet as bad?

9:09:56 PM      TuxMann  I added us to the 14.04 release party as part of
our installfest April 19th cake and ice cream??

9:10:07 PM      TuxMann  We are still looking for a central Phoenix meeting
location for presentations - if anyone has location ideas please let us
know! We did get a call about godaddy in north scottsdale we will disquess
more next week

9:10:13 PM      TuxMann  JOB list

9:10:20 PM      TuxMann  53 current canonical Jobs

9:10:28 PM      TuxMann  http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies

9:10:38 PM      TuxMann  rentlogic IT Architect/ Senior Management

9:10:45 PM      TuxMann  robp at teamlogical.com

9:10:52 PM      TuxMann  Runs LINUX

9:11:01 PM      TuxMann  Exstreamer Family Powering the jblive.fm stream
and Runs Linux

9:11:07 PM      TuxMann

9:11:15 PM      TuxMann  Linux App of the week

9:11:23 PM      TuxMann  Asciinema - Record and share your terminal
sessions, the right way

9:11:33 PM      TuxMann  https://asciinema.org/

9:11:42 PM      TuxMann  TEAM SERVER NEWS

9:11:50 PM      TuxMann  Thanks to adrenaline ArchFan markthomas wmack
rudgan and any others I missed they got the new server on-line and rudgan
will be maintaining drupul and user lists

9:11:59 PM      TuxMann  thank  adrenaline for doing the drupal updates

9:12:10 PM      TuxMann  Thanks to wmack he has completed a our first
dualboot with uefi and secure boot notes are on azloco docs and atazloco.org we
expect a lot of variations and would love more input and  and testing on
other boxes

9:12:16 PM      TuxMann  ArchFan also built a new BBB server for the team
and after some testing we hope to deploy it since it has a lot of new

9:12:17 PM      markthomas  Thanks, adrenaline

9:12:28 PM      TuxMann  adreanline is doing a Basic Linux Adminsitration
and also has two blogs out see at azloco.org on the front page

9:12:46 PM      TuxMann  NORTH INSTALLFEST Saturday, March 29, 9am - 2pm
Paradise Valley Community College 18401 North 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ
85032, USA

9:13:02 PM      TuxMann  Enter from the north east or east lot toward the
center and look for the computer commons area Building E Room E152 For more
information see calender at http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/28

9:13:19 PM      TuxMann  TEMPE UBUNTU HOUR

9:13:28 PM      TuxMann  Thursday March 27 is the next Ubuntu Hour at
Extreme Bean in Tempe southern and McClintockhttp://xtremebeancoffee.com this
a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat about linux and open
source. Stop by and say hi!! email toddc at azloco.com for more information

9:13:37 PM      TuxMann  WEST SIDE UBUNTU HOUR

9:13:58 PM      TuxMann  West side Ubuntu hour will be April 2 7pm - 9pm

9:14:10 PM      TuxMann  Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise,
AZ 85374, USA , Arizona If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu or open
source Stop by and say hi to some other users and find   out who what and
where and how. to install use and promote Linux and open source. There were
6  people at March's event this has started out as a great event.

9:14:19 PM      TuxMann  TEMPE INSTALL-FEST

9:14:20 PM      toddc  thank adrealine a tubid tux and Tuxmann for runing
the installfest

9:14:38 PM      TuxMann  The next Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday April
5 at UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM
to 4PM Room 245 48st and Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the   front
building.  For more information see calender at

9:14:52 PM      TuxMann  We will also be streaming all events on
http://azlocobbb.banditti.com/   If you have time or want to meet any of us
or have problems feel free to show up

9:15:02 PM      TuxMann  LINUX TRAINING

9:15:13 PM      TuxMann  Linux Intro Course Available Online for Free

9:15:26 PM      TuxMann

9:15:37 PM      TuxMann  ubuntu on-air

9:15:46 PM      TuxMann  http://ubuntuonair.com/

9:15:53 PM      TuxMann  http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/

9:16:03 PM      TuxMann  #ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net

9:16:13 PM      TuxMann  Jono Bacon Q&A Tuesday March 18 at noon local time
every Tuesday Ubuntu Engineering Live! Wed, March 19 11 AM

9:16:20 PM      TuxMann  MCC Linux classes by  dennisk

9:16:29 PM      TuxMann  Late start Spring classes start this week and
there are two Linux classes still open.  CIS238DL Linux System
Administration (section 30652, T,Th 6:00-9:40pm) taught by me and CIS271DL
Linux Security (section 30438, M,W 6:00-9:40pm) taught by JD Austin.  JD is
a sysadmin at the district office.

9:16:41 PM      TuxMann  CIS271DL has a pre-req of CIS240DL Linux Network
Administration or permission of the instructor.

9:17:05 PM      TuxMann  CIS238DL has a pre-req of CIS126DL Linux
 Operating System I can waive the pre-req for CIS238DL for PLUG/Ubuntu
members.  My emphasis in   CIS238DL is preparation for the Red Hat RHCSA
exam which is(along with the RHCE) the certification in most demand by
employers.  Anyone interested should email me at  dennisk at mesacc.edu ASAP
as there is only two weeks until classes start.  Classes run for 8 weeks.

9:17:14 PM      TuxMann  FUTURE EVENTS

9:17:23 PM      TuxMann  Any thoughts on other events or projects???

9:17:40 PM      toddc  vpn routing class

9:17:56 PM      TuxMann  great idea. I would like to learn to do that .

9:18:06 PM      TuxMann  xHans or FernHans would you like to do the Plug

9:18:46 PM      TuxMann  PLUG EVENTS

9:18:58 PM      TuxMann  Free Software Stammtisch Tuesday March 18 at
Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371 N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 85224

9:19:08 PM      TuxMann

9:19:16 PM      TuxMann  Plug East side meeting Thursday April 10  7-10 PM
at Desert Breeze Substation  251 North Desert Breeze Blvd, Chandler, AZ
85226 presentation on Salt Stack

9:19:24 PM      TuxMann  http://blogs.isostech.com/author/michael_march

9:19:38 PM      TuxMann  that is all I have, any questions or comments or
other news or ideas?

9:19:51 PM      TuxMann  Thanks for coming here tonight I will beer here
for a while if you have any questions
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