[ubuntu-arizona] AzLoCo Weekly Meeting 03-02-14

Jason Mann tuxmann at azloco.com
Mon Mar 3 05:00:30 UTC 2014

9:03:18 PM      toddc  perfect9:03:26 PM      programmer317  +19:03:34
PM      Rich__  +19:03:36 PM      adrenaline  +19:03:52 PM
markthomas  +19:04:16 PM      toddc  hi programmer317  and
adrenaline9:04:28 PM       adrenaline waves9:04:40 PM
programmer317  hi9:04:47 PM      gnewbie  +19:04:50 PM      toddcnb
Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +19:04:50 PM
TuxMann  +19:04:52 PM      toddcnb  +19:05:02 PM      MajB  +19:05:08
PM      toddcnb  Team wiki site
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam9:05:09 PM      toddcnb  Team
Website is http://azloco.org/9:05:22 PM      toddcnb  Team membership
http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4459809:05:24 PM      toddcnb
 https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-az9:05:43 PM
toddcnb  Team events portal
http://loco.ubuntu.com/teams/ubuntu-arizona/9:05:44 PM      toddcnb
PM      toddcnb  Feel free to make comments and add input to our
meeting at anytime.9:05:57 PM      toddcnb  some of us are in
https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk to
us9:06:07 PM      TuxMann  hi gnewbie, chaos7theory and MajB9:06:13 PM
     toddcnb  Anybody here that is new tonight?9:06:19 PM      MajB
Me9:06:21 PM      gnewbie  Howdy  o/9:06:23 PM      toddcnb  Please
introduce yourself and tell us a bit about yourself9:06:30 PM
chaos7theory  Hey Tux9:06:31 PM      adrenaline  hi MajB9:06:49 PM
 gnewbie  G'day MajB9:07:04 PM      programmer317  hi MajB.9:07:27 PM
    MajB  Hi all.  I'm retired and moving to Sierra Vista9:07:48 PM
  toddcnb  UBUNTU NEWS9:07:59 PM      adrenaline  Welcome9:08:03 PM
  toddcnb  Remember: these links point to beginner AND advanced
topics.  This email goes to up to 4 different groups. So pick and
chose those that seem right for you and maybe try a few that are a bit
of a stretch. Just don't let any of it intimidate or frustrate
you!9:08:25 PM      toddcnb  I will try to list an indicator of which
users are most likely to find an article useful before each link.
This will not indicate technicality, but OS.  It will be letter[s] for
Windows, Linux, Macintosh or All.9:08:35 PM      adrenaline  No such
thing as a bad question9:08:43 PM      toddcnb  L:
PM      toddcnb  only I can ask the real stupid questions!9:09:26 PM
   toddcnb  A: http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/Two-Quick-Firefox-Tips9:09:43
PM      toddcnb  L:
http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Data-Rescue9:09:50 PM
  gnewbie  Can I ask a stupid question?    Did I just ask two?9:10:02
PM      toddcnb  yes and yes!9:10:09 PM      gnewbie  :)9:10:16 PM
 toddcnb  L: http://www.linux-magazine.com/Online/Features/Finding-Wireless-Security-Problems-with-Wifislax9:10:53
PM      toddcnb  with a nick like gnebie they all are!9:11:07 PM
toddcnb  A: Smart Home Hubs: a brain for your house9:11:09 PM
toddcnb  http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303650204579376842386152058?mod=WSJ_article_EditorsPicks&utm_source=howtogeek&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=newsletter9:11:26
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  W:
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  A:
http://www.howtogeek.com/school/gmail-guide/lesson1/9:12:39 PM
toddcnb  A: http://www.howtogeek.com/school/gmail-guide/lesson2/9:12:51
PM      toddcnb  A:
http://www.howtogeek.com/school/gmail-guide/lesson3/9:13:03 PM
toddcnb  A: http://www.howtogeek.com/school/gmail-guide/lesson4/9:13:14
PM      chaos7theory  So many links @_ at 9:13:17 PM      toddcnb  A:
http://www.howtogeek.com/school/gmail-guide/lesson5/9:13:28 PM
toddcnb  more to read later9:13:44 PM      toddcnb  M:
PM      toddcnb  W:
PM      toddcnb
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  W:
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  W: Very technical for most Windows users ->
PM      toddcnb  M:
PM      toddcnb  L:
PM      toddcnb  Techies:
PM      toddcnb  L: QEMU 2.0 is piling on many features for early
April debut9:15:38 PM      toddcnb
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTYxNTc9:15:48 PM
   toddcnb  L:http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9246599/Linux_snapshot_Pay_rates_and_employers_with_the_most_job_ads9:16:01
PM      toddcnb  L: CLI intro to file permissions
http://www.tuxarena.com/intro/perms.php9:16:17 PM      toddcnb  L:
X.Org to participate in Google Summer of Code9:16:19 PM      toddcnb
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTYxNTA9:16:21 PM
   chaos7theory  At this rate I'm going to run out of RAM9:16:33 PM
  toddcnb  L: http://news.softpedia.com/news/First-Ubuntu-Phones-Revealed-at-MWC-2014-429114.shtml9:16:47
PM      toddcnb  L: LXC 1.0.0 Released
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTYxMzQ9:16:49 PM
   toddcnb  L: http://linuxcontainers.org/news/9:17:11 PM      toddcnb
 L: http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-flightgear-3-0-on-ubuntu-14-0413-1012-1012-04-linux-mint-161413-and-elementary-os-0-2/9:17:15
PM      chaos7theory  Is it bad I want to get an Ubuntu Phone?9:17:37
PM      toddcnb  no I am trying to wait9:18:00 PM      toddcnb  L:
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      toddcnb  L:
PM      toddcnb  L:
Flavors of Ubuntu9:19:43 PM      toddcnb  LW:
PM      toddcnb  A:
PM      chaos7theory  Whenever you link the BigBlueButton link, be
sure to link it without the secure protocal9:19:57 PM
chaos7theory  protocol*9:20:04 PM      chaos7theory  Since it doesn't
work otherwise9:20:27 PM      toddcnb  correct at this time but
soon.....9:20:44 PM      toddcnb  Schooled by Linux -- 1,700 students
get Ubuntu laptops9:20:45 PM      toddcnb
PM      toddcnb  The Sad State of the Ubuntu Community9:20:58 PM
toddcnb  http://www.cajuntechie.org/2014/02/the-sad-state-of-ubuntu-community.html9:21:12
PM      toddcnb  Ubuntu Developers overhaul 'Scopes' feature9:21:14 PM
     toddcnb  http://www.muktware.com/2014/03/ubuntu-developers-overhaul-scopes-feature/219749:21:25
PM      toddcnb  TEAM NEWS9:21:39 PM      toddcnb  We have a Special
event this weekend we did a ubuntu demo and9:21:40 PM      toddcnb
Sun Village has asked us to a instalfest there this week-end9:21:52 PM
     toddcnb  March 8 9-12am and they would like help on 12 residents
and 7 computer club computers changing from win xp to ubuntu 12.04 I
will9:22:05 PM      toddcnb  have install media cd's and usb and a few
lubuntu if needed and few usb hdd's. for back up if needed. Some of us
will carpool from el pollo loco at Arizona mills at 7 am9:22:29 PM
 chaos7theory  Windows XP is losing support this August9:22:37 PM
chaos7theory  (Originally I thought it was April 14th)9:22:55 PM
toddcnb  markthomas: is also making us a special ISO that will not
need as many clicks9:23:19 PM      toddcnb  I think updates stop april
15th9:23:45 PM      toddcnb  I will be out of town March 15-16 turbid
tux and adrenaline will run the installfest9:24:08 PM      toddcnb
TuxMann: will do the meeting9:24:17 PM      toddcnb  sucker!!!9:24:29
PM      toddcnb  JOB list9:24:36 PM      chaos7theory  And all of
those links add up to 1.7 GB of RAM on Firefox9:24:44 PM      toddcnb
48 current canonical Jobs9:24:46 PM      toddcnb
http://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies9:25:06 PM      toddcnb
System/Network Admin and DevOps9:25:07 PM      toddcnb
www.telelanguage.com9:25:16 PM      toddcnb  add more swap9:25:28 PM
   toddcnb  Blinkx  Linux Systems Administrator Tempe9:25:29 PM
toddcnb  http://176c2626.dxjob1.com/4fe3fbc49:25:36 PM      toddcnb
Runs LINUX9:25:46 PM      toddcnb  Project Tango, Runs Linux!9:25:55
PM      toddcnb  Project Tango is a phone which uses complex array of
sensors that track motion in closed environments, and can build a
visual 3D of rooms and other indoor areas. The goal of Project Tango
is to give mobile devices a human-scale understanding of space and
motion.9:26:05 PM      toddcnb  Linux App of the week9:26:15 PM
toddcnb  Tox Secure messaging for everyone9:26:16 PM      toddcnb
http://tox.im/9:26:24 PM      toddcnb  NEW MEMBERS THIS WEEK9:26:33 PM
     toddcnb  chaos7theory9:26:43 PM      toddcnb  my fingers
hurt!9:26:57 PM      toddcnb  TEAM SERVER NEWS9:27:09 PM      toddcnb
Thanks to adrenaline ArchFan markthomas wmack rudgan and any others I
missed they9:27:10 PM      toddcnb  got the new server on-line and
rudgan will be maintaining drupul and user lists9:27:18 PM
toddcnb  thank  adrenaline for doing the drupal updates9:27:32 PM
toddcnb  WEST SIDE UBUNTU HOUR9:27:45 PM      toddcnb  West side
Ubuntu hour will be March 5 7pm - 9pm9:27:47 PM      toddcnb
Starbucks Coffee 13472 West Bell Road, Surprise, AZ 85374, USA ,
Arizona9:27:48 PM      toddcnb  If you are interested in Linux Ubuntu
or open source Stop by and say hi to some other users and find9:28:01
PM      toddcnb  TEMPE INSTALL-FEST9:28:10 PM      toddcnb  The next
Azloco/plug installfest is Saturday March 15 at UAT 2625 W Baseline Rd
85283 Tempe across from Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4PM Room 245 48st
and Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the9:28:21 PM      toddcnb
front building.  For more information see calender at
http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/289:28:32 PM      toddcnb  We will also
be streaming all events on http://azlocobbb.banditti.com/9:28:33 PM
  toddcnb  If you have time or want to meet any of us or have problems
feel free to show up9:28:46 PM      toddcnb  NORTH INSTALLFEST9:29:00
PM      toddcnb  Saturday, March 22, 9am - 2pm9:29:01 PM      toddcnb
Paradise Valley Community College 18401 North 32nd Street, Phoenix, AZ
85032, USA9:29:03 PM      toddcnb  Enter from the north east or east
lot toward the center and look for the computer commons area Building
E Room E152 For more information see calender at
http://www.azloco.org/?q=node/289:29:15 PM      toddcnb  TEMPE UBUNTU
HOUR9:29:27 PM      toddcnb  Thursday March 27 is the next Ubuntu Hour
at Extreme Bean in Tempe southern and McClintock9:29:29 PM
toddcnb  http://xtremebeancoffee.com this a 1-2 hour social hour to
meet new/old users and chat about linux and9:29:30 PM      toddcnb
open source. Stop by and say hi!! email toddc at azloco.com for more
information9:29:31 PM      chaos7theory  ... Wait, seriously?9:29:40
PM      chaos7theory  Install fest at PVCC on March 22nd?9:29:50 PM
  toddcnb  yes!!9:30:13 PM      chaos7theory  I went there since last
year, and I'll be in Phoenix that week for Spring Break9:30:18 PM
toddcnb  ubuntu on-air9:30:19 PM      toddcnb
http://ubuntuonair.com/9:30:21 PM      toddcnb
http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/9:30:22 PM      toddcnb
#ubuntu-classroom on irc.freenode.net9:30:32 PM      toddcnb  Jono
Bacon Q&A Tuesday February 11 at noon local time every Tuesday9:30:34
PM      toddcnb  Ubuntu Engineering Live! Wed, Febuary 26, at 11
AM9:30:36 PM      toddcnb  Wednesday Febuary 26 at 7 am App design
Clinic9:30:37 PM      toddcnb  QA Lightning Talks #4: Porting to
Python 3 / Coverage Report on Jenkins Wed Febuary 26 3:30Pm9:30:48 PM
    toddcnb  MCC Linux classes by  dennisk9:31:08 PM      toddcnb
Late start Spring classes start in 2 weeks and there are two Linux
classes still open.  CIS238DL Linux System Administration (section
30652, T,Th 6:00-9:40pm) taught by me and CIS271DL Linux Security
(section 30438, M,W 6:00-9:40pm) taught by JD Austin.  JD is a
sysadmin at the district office.9:31:20 PM      toddcnb  CIS271DL has
a pre-req of CIS240DL Linux Network Administration or permission of
the instructor.  CIS238DL has a pre-req of CIS126DL Linux9:31:36 PM
  toddcnb  Operating System I can waive the pre-req for CIS238DL for
PLUG/Ubuntu members.  My emphasis in9:31:52 PM      toddcnb  CIS238DL
is preparation for the Red Hat RHCSA exam which is(along with the
RHCE) the certification in most demand by employers.  Anyone
interested should email me at  dennisk at mesacc.edu ASAP as there is
only two weeks until classes start.  Classes run for 8 weeks9:32:04 PM
     toddcnb  FUTURE EVENTS9:32:16 PM      toddcnb  Any thoughts on
other events or projects???9:32:37 PM      toddcnb  FernHans9:33:06 PM
     toddcnb  PLUG EVENTS9:33:20 PM      toddcnb  Plug East side
meeting Thursday March 13  7-10 PM at Desert Breeze Substation  251
North Desert Breeze Blvd, Chandler, AZ 85226 presentation on Salt
Stack9:33:21 PM      toddcnb
http://blogs.isostech.com/author/michael_march/9:33:32 PM      toddcnb
 Free Software Stammtisch Tuesday March 18 at Iguana Macks 7:00PM 1371
N Alma School Rd Chandler AZ 852249:33:34 PM      toddcnb
http://www.lufthans.com/Free_Software_Stammtisch#East_Valley9:33:51 PM
     toddcnb  that is all I have, any questions or comments or other
news or ideas?9:34:18 PM      programmer317  March 8th?9:34:48 PM
toddcnb  yes installfest at Sun Valley9:35:17 PM      programmer317
9-12am.9:35:27 PM      toddcnb  9-12 I will plan to be there
8-19:35:44 PM       indieross has quit: Ping timeout: 244
seconds.9:35:56 PM      programmer317  We could really use additional
help with all the computers requested to be upgraded.9:36:10 PM
programmer317  Please join us if you have the ability to do so.9:36:49
PM      TuxMann  I will try to make it out there next weekend.9:36:56
PM      toddcnb  they have 7 lab pc and 12 residents  I heard that we
have 3-4 will bee there on sat at the installfest so if we can find
3-4 more today9:37:20 PM      adrenaline  I will most likely be
bringing a friend to help out9:37:22 PM      toddcnb  or this
week9:37:54 PM      toddcnb  cool short but fast paced
installfest9:38:01 PM      programmer317  Thanks TuxMann, toddc and
adrenaline-.9:39:20 PM      toddcnb  Thanks for coming here tonight I
will beer here for a while if you have any questions
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