[ubuntu-arizona] azloco weekly meeting 03/03/2013
Todd Cole
toddc at azloco.com
Mon Mar 4 07:32:07 UTC 2013
21:00 toddc2 Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a
+121:00 spinrage +121:00 toddc2 +121:00 _ericcc +1, from a new house,
wooohoooo!21:01 Rich_ +121:01 toddc2 congrats let the remodel
commence21:01 lostpixy +121:01 MikeofMany +121:01 _ericcc hi
lostpixy21:01 toddc2 Team wiki site
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam21:01 lostpixy hi 21:01 toddc2 Team
Website is http://azloco.org/21:01 pjdamws +121:01 toddc2 Team
membership http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44598021:02 toddc2
Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at
anytime.21:02 _ericcc toddc2: no joke, who wants to help build an
office?21:02 turbidtux +121:02 toddc2 some of us are in
https://azlocobbb.banditti.com if you want to see us or talk to
us21:02 toddc2 Anybody here that is new tonight?21:02 toddc2 Please
introduce yourself and tell us a bit about your self21:03 toddc2
UBUNTU NEWS21:03 toddc2 Dazed_75 is out of town but he did send in the
news21:03 toddc2 Shuttleworth embraces tablet terror: Our PC biz will
survive too21:03 toddc2
toddc2 Detailed error handling in Bash21:03 toddc2
http://www.howtoforge.com/detailed-error-handling-in-bash21:04 toddc2
NDISwrapper 1.58 now runs on newer kernels21:04 toddc2
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMwNjU21:04 toddc2
How to easily diagnose your network with mtr in Linux21:04 toddc2
toddc2 The HTG guide to getting started with Raspberry Pi21:04 toddc2
toddc2 And now, Ubuntu for tablets - Wait, What?21:04 toddc2
http://www.linuxinsider.com/rsstory/77383.html21:05 ththandle +121:05
toddc2 hi21:05 toddc2 How to disable Secure Boot in Windows 821:05
toddc2 http://maketecheasier.com/disable-secure-boot-in-windows-8/2013/02/2521:05
ththandle hi toddc221:05 toddc2 How to automate opening apps into
separate workspaces in GNOME21:05 toddc2
toddc2 The GUI you never knew you had: The X-window system21:05 toddc2
http://maketecheasier.com/the-x-window-system/2013/02/2321:06 toddc2
Chinese Linux distro seeks place in Ubuntu family21:06 toddc2
toddc2 Ubuntu Touch up and running on Samsung Galaxy S III21:06 toddc2
toddc2 Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview coming to more devices soon21:06
toddc2 http://betanews.com/2013/02/27/ubuntu-mobile-developer-preview-coming-to-more-devices-soon/21:06
toddc2 How to install Ubuntu Touch on Nexus devices21:06 toddc2
toddc2 How to reinstall Android after trying Ubuntu Touch21:07 toddc2
toddc2 How to flash Ubuntu Touch from Windows21:07 toddc2
toddc2 Ubuntu Touch Developer Preview rolls out daily builds
toddc2 Unity stacks application "Drawers" updated with new active
drawers feature21:07 toddc2
toddc2 Everpad 2.5 released with note sharing, filter by tags, and
more21:08 toddc2
toddc2 CopyQ: Interesting clipboard manager with advanced
features21:08 toddc2
toddc2 Bumblebee 3.1 released with Primus support (Nvidia Optimus GPU
switching)21:08 toddc2
toddc2 Torvalds blasts Howells and Garrett over secure boot21:08
toddc2 http://www.itwire.com/opinion-and-analysis/open-sauce/58875-torvalds-blasts-howells-
garrett- over-secure-boot21:08 toddc2
to-deep-throat-microsoft/21:09 toddc2 Torvalds clarifies Linux's
Windows 8 Secure Boot position21:09 toddc2
toddc2 Secure Boot: Linux is at Microsoft's mercy?21:09 toddc2
distro-keys21:09 toddc2 How the Open Invention Network protects Linux
and open source (Video)21:09 toddc2
toddc2 Get weather info in the terminal21:09 toddc2
toddc2 VirtualBox update fixes a number of problems21:09 toddc2
toddc2 The perfect server - Ubuntu 12.10 [Ed: remember every distro
they customize is called "perfect"]21:10 toddc2
toddc2 Google working on Android based on Linux 3.821:10 toddc2
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTMxMzc21:10 toddc2
MWC panel discussion includes Mark Shuttleworth talking about Ubuntu
Touch21:10 toddc2
toddc2 Managing CRON jobs in Linux21:10 toddc2
toddc2 The differences between the various audio file formats21:11
toddc2 http://maketecheasier.com/differences-between-the-various-audio-file-formats/2013/02/2721:11
toddc2 Official Ubuntu rolling release proposal21:11 toddc2
toddc2 http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2013/02/ubuntu-to-discuss-rolling-release-move-at-next-weeks-uds21:11
toddc2 How to rename multiple files with "rename"21:11 toddc2
toddc2 Why watching DVDs on Linux is illegal in the USA and how to fix
it21:11 toddc2 http://www.howtogeek.com/138969/why-watching-dvds-on-linux-is-illegal-in-the-usa/21:11
toddc2 that was a good article21:12 toddc2 How to backup your Gmail
account to your Ubuntu PC21:12 toddc2
toddc2 How can I tell which Chrome tab is chewing up all my
memory?21:12 toddc2
toddc2 GIMP Guides: How to get the most out of a great free graphics
application21:12 toddc2
toddc2 and don't forget http://blog.meetthegimp.org/21:12 toddc2 9
Best tools for Linux Admin21:12 toddc2
toddc2 Steam Client officially hits Ubuntu Software Center, all games
discounted 50-75% for a limited time21:13 toddc2 Dell's 'Sputnik'
Ubuntu Linux laptop gets a key upgrade21:13 toddc2
toddc2 Secure Boot comes to Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS21:13 toddc2 Any
comments?21:14 toddc2 TEAM NEWS21:14 toddc2 turbidtuxhas agreed to to
do some team pr and news and general wiki clean up please thank him
and give him a hand if you have some extra time21:14 toddc2 JOB
LIST21:15 toddc2 Virtualization Engineer21:15 toddc2
recruitingtechies at gmail.com21:15 toddc2 Several openings at Limelight
Networks21:15 toddc2 http://www.limelight.com/company/careers/21:15
toddc2 Senior Network Engineer at our Teams Data center they have
several openings to fill21:15 toddc2 jobs at oneneck.com21:15 toddc2 NEW
MEMBERS21:15 toddc2 Turbidtux joined this week21:16 toddc2 please say
hi and welcome them if you see them around--he is here!!21:16 toddc2
Android App Pick21:16 toddc2 SyncMe Wireless21:16 toddc2
toddc2 Linux app of the week21:17 toddc2 SpotWeb21:17 toddc2
https://github.com/spotweb/spotweb21:17 toddc2 UBUNTU HOUR21:17 toddc2
Thursday March 28 is the next Ubuntu Hour at Extreme Bean in Tempe
southern and McClintock21:17 toddc2 http://xtremebeancoffee.com21:17
toddc2 this a 1-2 hour social hour to meet new/old users and chat
about linux and open source. Stop by and say hi!21:17 toddc2 we are
also close to announcing a Tuscan Ubuntu hour possibly next month21:18
toddc2 TEAM MEETING21:18 toddc2 We are in the process of adding a
Monthly Team Meeting ericc do you have any comments?21:18 ththandle
_ericcc: We are waiting21:19 turbidtux Ubuntu Hour: If any one would
like to have UH in another location, please advise...21:19 toddc2
EricC will be heading that up team meetings21:19 toddc2 as we get
farther along 21:19 _ericcc no sorry21:20 _ericcc yeah as soon as i
get internets back21:20 _ericcc <- this guy failed to set it up for
the new place21:21 toddc2 it would be real cool to have a ubuntu hour
up north---np _ericcc we understand21:21 toddc2 moving and all21:21
toddc2 TEMPE INSTALLFEST21:21 turbidtux just thought people might like
burgers instead of coffee...21:22 ththandle toddc2: I will need to
talk with you in the am can you irc with me in the morning?21:22
toddc2 AHH I missed that yes we have a alternate location to use for
the ubuntu hour so the question is keep it where it is or move to a
restaurant in Tempe 21:23 ththandle and did ryan go over what happened
with the ethical hackers meeting this week?21:23 toddc2 ththandle: yes
I will be availible21:23 toddc2 no I did not here anything at all21:23
ththandle ok what time and I will talk?!21:23 toddc2 any21:24
ththandle ok I pick 8am21:24 toddc2 kk 21:24 toddc2 TEMPE
INSTALLFEST21:24 toddc2 Azloco/plug Desktop Emphasis installfest is
April 6 at UAT 10am to 4 PM 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe across from
Fry's Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 st and
Baseline Rd enter from the rear of the front building. 21:25 toddc2 We
will also be streaming all events on http://azlocobbb.banditti.com/
but until we get organized21:25 toddc2 I will start as soon as
possible after events start but due to setup time I hope to find
others to run it as we get bigger. This will let other's participate
and be more active state/world wide but will take time to develop and
and get the word out.21:25 ththandle and as far as the ethical hackers
go, there was a good show of support. we picked our officers and there
is lots of support for doing projects.21:25 toddc2 cool would you like
to tell everyone here about it?21:26 ththandle I decided though that I
will devote more of my time to the azloco group as I realized I was
spreading myself to thin with both groups.21:27 xHans ththandle: did
the group decide on regular meetings or anything?21:27 turbidtux I was
hoping the two groups could work some projects together....21:27
ththandle Ryan is the Presdident and we have acquired new equipment
for the hackers group but it i has yet to be determined where they
want to set up the equipment.21:27 xHans ththandle: ok21:28 toddc2
great news21:28 xHans turbidtux: I would like all the groups to work
together to some extent21:28 ththandle That will be a focus of mine
going forward but I will work with Ryan to help keep the info lines
open.21:28 turbidtux cool21:28 toddc2 we do plan to I did miss the
first meeting but hope to help in some way21:29 toddc2 TEMPE SERVER
INSTALLFESTS21:29 toddc2 Tagose planning and development meeting on
March 9 10am-4 pm 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street
from Fry's Electronics21:29 toddc2 The next Server Emphasis
Installfest will be Saturday March 16 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W
Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the street from Fry's Electronics
enter from the rear of the front building we will do desktops/laptops
as time permits21:29 ththandle The base issue is that the group wants
to stay focused on security and we are about open software. there are
many ways that we can work together though.21:29 toddc2 For more info
see AzloCo.com calender at http://www.azloco.com/?q=node/28 21:30
toddc2 Please note that that we have had to cancel the April 13th
installfest since UAT will be need all of there rooms that day.21:30
toddc2 UBUNTU TRAINING21:31 toddc2 http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/
several ubuntu google hangouts this week21:31 xHans ththandle: every
part of the stack has security implications21:31 toddc2 ubuntu
deveopment hang out tuesday21:31 ththandle toddc2: I will be passing
this info on to the Ethical hackers group.21:31 toddc2 Jono Bacon O&A
wedsday21:31 toddc2 ththandle: great 21:32 ththandle xHans: you are so
right, we should have you in as a speaker to highlight that fact
.21:32 toddc2 FUTURE EVENTS 21:32 toddc2 Any thoughts on other events
or projects???21:32 _ericcc yeah21:32 xHans ththandle: cool, I'll
demonstrate how to poorly plan out security21:32 ththandle time
permitting21:33 toddc2 giggiles21:33 turbidtux 1245621:33 xHans
867350921:33 toddc2 xHans would you like to tell us about other
events?21:33 xHans wonders how many here recognize that one21:33 xHans
toddc: sure21:33 _ericcc i was thinking we could do a install video,
so anyone with video experience, send me an email. it has no rush but
i will figure details before next week.21:33 pjdamws turbidtux how did
you guess my password21:33 xHans PLUG east side is a week from
Thursday21:34 xHans we will probably be meeting at Iguana Macks21:34
turbidtux AZLOCO COMMON PASSWORD21:34 ththandle I loved the SCALE
convention! I suggest everyone go to the next one. You really can't
put it into words.21:34 xHans that decision might have already been
made, but I was out of town and offline for the weekend and the
voices in my head weren't coherent21:34 toddc2 I heard from dennis
there is a room at mcc21:34 xHans ththandle: yeah, SCaLE is
awesome21:34 dennisk xHans: I think Colleen has a room in BA for
us.21:34 xHans toddc: I have room starting in April21:35 xHans
dennisk: campus is entirely closed on March 14th21:35 turbidtux will
the map be updated on the website?21:35 ththandle great on the news
dennisk21:35 xHans dennisk: but, let's stay at MCC if we can. I was
waiting for confirmation from Colleen21:36 dennisk xHans: hab' schon
vergessen.21:36 xHans turbidtux: the map is done with hypnotic
electrons, they'll tell you what we want you to see21:36 xHans
Stammtisch is two weeks from Tuesday21:36 xHans it is definitely at
Iguana Macks21:36 xHans GNU/Linux security class starts in a couple of
weeks at Mesa Community College21:36 xHans take that class if you can
because the old instructor sucked and the new guy rocks21:37 xHans
pokes the old instructor21:37 xHans Ouch!21:37 toddc2 you?21:37 xHans
perhaps21:37 xHans The Student Ethical Hacker club has started at
MCC21:37 xHans the club has already been mentioned, but more will be
announced when it's decided21:38 xHans CactusCon is in a couple of
weeks, but I'm too tired to look it up right now21:38 turbidtux Sold
out as far as I know....21:39 toddc2 When: March 22, 2013 Where:
Tempe, AZ Cost: Free21:39 ththandle I will be taking that class next
semester no doubt with the new instructor21:39 xHans also, speaking of
out of town conferences and the security class and the hackers club,
and the keynote at CactusCon: DefCon is coming up this summer, I
believe we'll have a decent sized contigent heading up21:39 toddc2
http://www.cactuscon.com/21:39 xHans turbidtux: yeah, but it's a
hacker's convention, figure out a way to hack your way in21:40 xHans
dress up as a waiter21:40 turbidtux That would be Social Eng.21:40
xHans hop in an upside down Dalek and pose as a trash can, etc.21:40
xHans :)21:40 toddc2 NO COMMENT21:40 toddc2 Developer Meeting Thursday
March 7 7-9pm21:40 toddc2 University of Advancing Technology, 2625
West Baseline Road Tempe AZ 85283. This is close to the US 60 and
Interstate 10 by Fry's Electronics. Meetings are held in room
245.21:40 toddc2 The developer group is adding bar codes reading
features to cheese21:40 xHans I'm going to follow up with the
CactusCon team directly and see if there will be room for more21:41
xHans maybe I'll auction off my ticket21:41 xHans oh, toddc, aside
from bad jokes and other irrelelevancies I'm done21:41 xHans thanks
again for cross-promoting events!21:41 toddc2 xHans Thanks for keeping
us up to date on plug/training events and classes at local Colleges
21:42 toddc2 that is all I have any questions or comments or other
news or ideas?21:42 xHans bbiab21:42 dennisk LibrePlanet 2013: Commit
Change is later this month in Boston. This is the annual membership
meeting of FSF. More information at http://fsf.org.21:42 toddc2 road
trip?21:43 dennisk toddc2: air trip more likely21:43 toddc2 thanks
dennisk21:43 toddc2 I like my bike rides21:44 toddc2 Thanks for coming
tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help or has a question
Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ 85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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