[ubuntu-arizona] azloco meeting 03/18/12
Todd Cole
toddc at azloco.com
Mon Mar 19 04:33:02 UTC 2012
[21:00]toddcWelcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1[21:00]
toddc+1[21:00]Rich_ <irc://freenode/Rich_,isnick>+1[21:00]toddcFeel free to
make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.[21:00]toddcI will
also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk or see
me.[21:00]Rich_ <irc://freenode/Rich_,isnick>cool[21:01]toddcWelcome to
sunny Arizona!!![21:01]Rich_ <irc://freenode/Rich_,isnick>My dog is covered
in mud.[21:01]toddcstart with the news and see who else will show up[21:03]
toddcwe were up north till this after noon my dog was scared of the snow
but she is a bit physco any way[21:03]toddcUBUNTU NEWS[21:03]toddcRaspberry
Pi suffers minor manufacturing issue[21:03]toddc
[21:03]toddcRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6.2 vs. Ubuntu 12.04 LTS[21:03]toddc
[21:04]toddcLocally Integrated Menus May Land in Scheduled Update for
Precise (12.04.1)[21:04]toddc
[21:04]toddcGet Better Looking Folder Icons in Ubuntu[21:04]toddc
[21:04]toddcGnome Shell 3.4 May Make It Inti the 12.04 Repositories After
[21:05]toddcCinnamon 1.4 Released with Hot New Corner Behavior, and More
toddcJupiter Applet Officially Switches to Python[21:05]toddc
[21:05]toddcHow to Synchronize Google Calendar with Thunderbird[21:05]toddc
[21:05]toddcInstalling Alternative Desktops in Ubuntu[21:05]toddc
[21:06]toddcIs Ubuntu becoming a big name in enterprise Linux servers?
[21:06]toddcUbuntu disables app logging for privacy[21:06]toddc
[21:07]toddcThank you Dazed-75 for the news tonight!! [21:07]toddcTEAM NEWS
[21:07]toddcIf you would like a azloco.com email address please contact me
at toddc at azloco.com [21:07]toddcWe would like to start several Ubuntu hour
events at coffee shop or bars for quick get togethers[21:07]toddcif anyone
would like to find a spot on the west or north please let us know? [21:07]
toddcJOB LIST[21:08]toddc"Pima Community College is looking for an
Information Technology Advanced[21:08]toddcAnalyst with experience
adminstering Linux. For more information and to[21:08]toddcview the
complete job positing visit the Pima Jobs website.[21:08]toddc
http://www.pima.edu/pima-jobs/ The position closes on 3/25/2012."[21:08]
toddcNetwork Administrator[21:08]toddc
for listing the Pima CC job toddc[21:09]toddcthanks for the info I have had
several members there that are looking[21:09]toddcWeb-Hosting Tech Support
(Level II - III)[21:09]toddchttp://www.arvixe.com[21:10]toddcremeber to
check the calender at http://www.azloco.com/?q=node/28[21:10]toddcTEAM
SERVER NEWS[21:10]toddcthanks to Eric for updating the
azlocbbb.banditti.comstie to 0.8-3 it really works great with a lot of
new features but will
need a web designer to complete the upgrade and customize the API's so we
need a volunteer if someone would like to take it on please let me know
[21:11]toddcABLEconf.org is March 24 and we need a some help we will be
running our Big Blue Button server in up to three classrooms and a booth so
I will need some help with that and it will be easy to do the BBB and or
the booth. [21:11]toddcI am planning on placing a projector or large
monitor at the booth running BBB and if time permits making a Ubuntu demo
slide show so if anyone has a few minutes we could use your help!![21:12]
toddchttp://www.ableconf.com/[21:12]toddcETA for my rasberry PI is 4/23 and
as soon as it shows we will be setting up a few events test/break it in and
see what it can do! Any all ideas for projects are
actually, ABLEconf has been cancelled[21:13]toddcxHansdo you have any news
for us? [21:13]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>ABLEconf has been
cancelled[21:13]toddcgone for a few
meeting planned for late-morning on
that's why I showed up tonight, to make sure you knew[21:14]toddcThanks
[21:14]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>should have mentioned it before
the meeting, but it's been a long weekend and I didn't think of it[21:14]
xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>Free Software Stammtisch this Tuesday at
19:00[21:14]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>Iguana Macks in Chandler
[21:14]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>
[21:14]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>some community colleges have 8
week courses starting this week[21:15]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>I
will have GNU/Linux Security starting
has a GNU/Linux system administration
[21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>CIS271DL for me and CIS238DL for
Dennis[21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>his is listed as full, but
last I knew he had room for
are at Mesa Community College's Dobson and Southern campus[21:19]toddcThanks
xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and classes at local Colleges
[21:19]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>sorry, phased out for a sec[21:20]
toddcnp[21:20]toddcthat is all I have any questions or comments or other
news or ideas?[21:20]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>wanted to say that
Estrella Mountain CC also has classes starting this
now that's all[21:20]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>as I said, it was a
long weekend[21:20]toddccool whio is teaching the estrella classes?[21:21]
xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>I don't know the instructors over there
[21:21]toddcok I will check I think I know one of
looks like South Mountain also has a CIS238DL class starting this week
[21:22]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>Randy's the only person I know at
EMCC[21:22]toddcthought that was who was teaching it[21:23]toddcI will edit
the calendar and now have a free weekend[21:23]toddcif there is nothing
else? [21:24]toddcThanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if
anyone needs help or has a question[21:24]xHans<irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>I
see he's got one class starting, but there are several other EMCC classes
starting ( at least one actually started last week
classes on the North side of town?[21:28]toddcLinux none that I know of
there was one but I never got any news on it it was a rehab training of
some kind[21:29]Rich_ <irc://freenode/Rich_,isnick>Thanks. I may have too
look into online classes.[21:30]toddcI talked to one student but did not
find the location or who taught it Glendale CC had some for a while but not
heard of anything in recent years
Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ 85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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