[ubuntu-arizona] AZLoco meeting 03/04/2012

Todd Cole toddc at azloco.com
Mon Mar 5 05:05:13 UTC 2012

[21:00]toddcWelcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a +1[21:00]
Dazed_75 <irc://freenode/Dazed_75,isnick>+1[21:00]toddc+1[21:00]toddcFeel
free to make comments and add input to our meeting at anytime.[21:01]toddcI
will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com tonight if you want to talk
or see me.[21:01]toddcAudio is down tonight in
+1[21:01]toddcwoops it is back up and better then ever[21:01]toddchi
eeeThuga1 [21:01]eeeThuga1 <irc://freenode/eeeThuga1,isnick>how's it going?
[21:01]Siph0n <irc://freenode/Siph0n,isnick>+1[21:02]toddcgreat[21:02]Siph0n<irc://freenode/Siph0n,isnick>anyone
hear order the raspberry pi?[21:02]toddcUBUNTU
no one I know of got one[21:02]toddcI got one with a 4 23 ship date not
sure if that is part of the first lot or
any new on when RS will be selling their half of the first shipment?[21:03]
Siph0n <irc://freenode/Siph0n,isnick>no?[21:03]toddcSquare Enix Launches
New Linux MMORPG 'WAKFU' game[21:03]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>stands
corrected ( and waits for a moment when toddc's not looking...
[21:03]toddcrs also said they will email me in about a week[21:04]toddcnot
sure if I could order one from each company[21:04]toddcI do plan to try the
action off here![21:05]toddcSquare Enix Launches New Linux MMORPG 'WAKFU'
[21:05]toddcMari0 Released, Play with Mario and Portal Gun this Sunday on
[21:05]toddcubuntu 12.04 Beta 1 out and ready for testing[21:05]toddcMyUnity
3.0 Supports Ubuntu 12.04 and Themes[21:05]toddc
[21:06]toddcTag Sound Files with EasyTag (article is for Mint 12, but
applies to [21:06]toddcUbuntu as well)[21:06]toddc
toddcHow to Download Recursively from an FTP Site with wget[21:06]toddc
[21:06]toddcDesktop Syncing Comes to OwnCloud[21:06]toddc
toddcHow to Manage Processes from the Linux Terminal: 10 Commands You Need
to [21:06]toddcKnow[21:07]toddc
[21:07]toddcHUD is Now Available for Unity 2D Too (12.04)[21:07]toddc
[21:08]toddcUbuntu 12.04 Beta 1 released [screenshots & video][21:08]toddc
toddcHow to Add VLC (2.0) to the Ubuntu Sound Menu[21:08]toddc
[21:08]toddcInstall LibreOffice 3.5.0 in Ubuntu 11.10 or 10.04 via PPA
[21:09]toddcHandbrake 0.9.6 Released with many Improvements[21:09]toddc
[21:09]toddcUbuntu Design: Micro, Macro[21:09]toddc
to Fix Low Battery Power and Overheating Issue in Ubunru 11.19[21:09]toddc
[21:09]toddcUbuntu Unleashed 7th Edition Review[21:09]toddc
0.3.5: Lightweight Music Player for Ubuntu with Multiple [21:09]toddcCollection
and CUE Supports[21:10]toddc
[21:10]toddcSeven New Features in Ubuntu 12.04 'Precise Pangolin' Beta 1
[21:10]toddcwhew! Thank you Dazed-75 for the news tonight!! [21:10]toddcTEAM
NEWS[21:10]toddcIf you would like a azloco.com email address please contact
me at toddc at azloco.com [21:11]toddc Ubuntu 12.04 Countdown Banner Contest
[21:11]toddcTEMPE SERVER INSTALLFEST[21:11]toddcServer Installfest Saturday
March 17 at UAT 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 across the
street from Fry's Electronics[21:11]toddclast Saturday we worked on Big
Blue button Zentyal Debian with proxmox and Tagose[21:12]toddcBBB is back
up updated and fully working better than ever![21:12]toddcTEMPE INSTALLFEST
[21:12]toddcAzloco/plug installfest is March 31 at UAT 9am to 4 PM 2625 W
Baseline Rd 85283 Tempe ##across <irc://freenode/%23%23across> from Fry's
Electronics 10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208 48st and Baseline
##Rd <irc://freenode/%23%23Rd>[21:12]toddcTEAM SERVER
NEWS[21:12]toddcThanks to Walter Mack Our
azloco.com site is now on Drupal 6.2 and is being upgraded to Drupal 7.9 on
test.azloco.com and will soon be ready to for the main site. We also
cleaned spam and installed a blocked host list so it should be easy to
maintain in the future.[21:13]toddcWhile the main server is back up and
working the test Server was Shut off and we need access to to it a DeVry to
clean it and restart it check the future so if you have any direct contacts
please contact me[21:13]toddcI will also be contacting several people I
know to get us access to it and set up a fallback plan[21:14]toddcUBUNTU
TRAINING[21:14]toddcIntroduction to being an IRC Operator[21:14]toddc
#ubuntu-classroom <irc://freenode/%23ubuntu-classroom> on irc.freenode.net
[21:14]toddcMon, March 12, 8pm – 9pm[21:14]toddcFUTURE EVENTS
installfest plans are underway with a preferred date of April 7 at U of A
[21:14]toddcWe had a conflict and and are locating another location [21:15]
toddcTucson installfest has not located a venue as of yet so we might
reschedule[21:15]toddcArizona Hackfest Ubuntu loco/plugaz[21:15]toddcSat
march 10 a online hacking event with prizes[21:15]toddcsee
http://www.azloco.com/?q=node/28 march 10 for more info[21:16]toddcxHans do
you have any news for us? [21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>a few
things[21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>ABLEconf registration going
publicly live tomorrow[21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>it's
already live, so please help with testing by ordering a ticket if you're
planning on going to ABLEconf[21:16]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>
[21:17]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>only help with testing if you're
wanting to actually purchase a ticket and
if you're planning on going, please go ahead and purchase a ticket tonight
and let me know if you have any
conference call Wednesday at 19:00[21:18]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>
[21:18]Dazed_75 <irc://freenode/Dazed_75,isnick>xHans:Is it still at UAT
then?[21:18]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>PLUG east side meeting
Thursday. 19:00 at Mesa Community
yes[21:18]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>topics: "Paying for Free
Software"; something on Inkscape, Blender or the
[21:18]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>it was a false alarm from UAT,
but we did have to rearrange a few
on email from tonight, they're wanting to work with us to make sure our
event is successful and to help people find the correct event that day
[21:19]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>they're even specifically
interested in getting their students more involved, which is outstanding
[21:20]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>ok, toddc that's it from me for
tonight[21:20]Dazed_75 <irc://freenode/Dazed_75,isnick>xHans:What will be
the max # of simultaneous presentations (for BBB
3[21:20]toddca few notes from Lisa[21:21]toddcAZLoCo/Plug are hosting a
worldwide hackfest of the STACS systems[21:21]toddc(municipal and military)
developed by Solomon courtesy of Dean Franks. You[21:21]toddccan
participate via wan and we will offer 2 Target Prizes for anyone who[21:21]
toddccan successfully provide a file from either device. I will provide more
[21:21]toddcinformation as we get closer to March 10 Saturday including
target ip[21:21]toddcaddresses. The event is hosted by Solomon and
MakerBench.com in Tempe. I[21:21]toddcwill video stream and video the full
event including Dean's presentation[21:21]toddcwhich will kickoff 4 days of
open wan hackfest STACS targeting.[21:21]xHans
registration page has only been up a few minutes, but it already has 53
reads[21:22]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>we must have a bunch of
lurkers in here[21:22]toddconly the best kind of lurkers here[21:23]toddcThanks
xHans for keeping us up to date on Plug events and
yea[21:23]xHans <irc://freenode/xHans,isnick>and now 56[21:23]toddcthat is
all I have any questions or comments or other news or
bitte and thanks for fostering inter-group communication and activities
[21:24]toddcnp we are after the same
domination![21:24]toddcone pc at a
more from me but the news I found had some interesting stuff

Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ  85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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