[ubuntu-arizona] AZLOCO meeting 04/01/2012

Todd Cole toddc at azloco.com
Mon Apr 2 05:13:55 UTC 2012

<toddc> Welcome to AZLOCO IRC Meeting Please sign in with a
+1<spinrage> +1<toddc> +1<cc11rocks> +1<Dazed_75> +1<adrenaline_>
+1<toddc> Feel free to make comments and add input to our meeting at
anytime.<toddc> I will also be in http://azlocobbb.banditti.com
tonight if you want to talk or see me.<toddc> I am there now!!!
:)<Rich_> +1<toddc> Welcome cc11rocks !<cc11rocks> Thank you very much
:)<toddc> Welcome Rich_  !<Rich_> Thanks<toddc> Anybody else here that
is new tonight?<cc11rocks> I'm getting on the website as
well...<toddc> ok Lets start with the news<toddc> Windows 8
News<toddc> Microsoft Blocks Pirate Bay Links In Windows
How To Personalize Windows 8<toddc>
google news<toddc> Google is Bringing self-driving cars to
NASCAR<toddc> http://googleblog.blogspot.com/2012/03/bringing-self-driving-cars-to-nascar.html<toddc>
Gmail Tap<toddc> Realizing the silliness of trying to cram an entire
26-key keyboard onto a smartphone, Google is replacing QWERTY with
Morse code.<toddc> Introducing Click-to-Teleport Extensions
(beta)<toddc> http://www.google.com/adwords/extensions/teleport.html<toddc>
Google's New Really Advanced Search<toddc>
http://www.google.com/js/reallyadvanced.html<toddc> The YouTube
Collection: The Magic of YouTube in Your Hands<toddc>
Exclusive! First Look at New Ultrabook: The Sony VAIO® Q Series<toddc>
stopping to play the last one<cc11rocks> LOL on the last one
:P<cc11rocks> That is HILARIOUS!<toddc> thanks! :)<cc11rocks> I've
seen an Apple version commecial spoof :P<toddc> Introducing reddit
UBUNTU NEWS<toddc> Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin Beta 2 Released,
What is New?<toddc>
If You Are Lucky, Ubuntu 12.04 Can Boot Faster (Note: Results
could<toddc> still change)<toddc>
How to Knock into Your Network (DD-WRT)<toddc>
cool idea that I need to test<toddc> How to Quickly Resize, Convert &
Modify Images from the Linux Terminal<toddc>
How to Install the Window Maker Desktop Environment on Ubuntu<toddc>
Make New Tabs Appear at the End for Chrome / Chromium<toddc>
XBMC 11 Rocks: Improved iOS Support, Airplay, and even a Custom XBMC
OS<toddc> http://www.howtogeek.com/109851/screenshot-tour-xbmc-11-eden-rocks-improved-ios-support-airplay-and-even-a-custom-xbmc-os<toddc>
How to Create a Custon Ubuntu Live CD or USB the Easy Way<toddc>
How to Install the MATE Desktop and Go Back to GNOME 2 on
Ubuntu<toddc> http://www.howtogeek.com/110052/how-to-install-the-mate-desktop-go-back-to-gnome-2-on-ubuntu<toddc>
Easy File Sync with Bitpocket<toddc>
Reset Your Ubuntu Password using SystemRescueCD<toddc>
Adobe Releases Last Linux Version of Flash Player<toddc>
:(<toddc> GIMP 2.8: So Close, Yet So Far, Yet So Close<toddc>
Ubuntu Boots on 8-bit Microcontroller (to a terminal anyway)<toddc>
I Gotta Get Me One of These<toddc>
http://www.tricorderproject.org/tricorder-mark2.html<toddc> GNOME4:
The Future of Portability :)<toddc>
http://distrowatch.com/weekly.php?issue=20120402<toddc> Munich Mayor
Says Switch to Linux Saved Money, Reduced Complaints<toddc>
thank Dazed_75 for the news !<toddc> TEAM NEWS<toddc> If you would
like a azloco.com email address please contact me at
toddc at azloco.com<toddc> We would like to start several Ubuntu hour
events at coffee shop or bars for quick get togethers<toddc> if anyone
would like to find a spot on the west or north please let us
know?<toddc> TEMPE SERVER INSTALLFEST<toddc> Server Installfest
Saturday April 7 at UAT  10AM to 4M 2625 W Baseline Rd 85283 Room 208
across the street from Fry's Electronics<slofgren> >.><slofgren>
<.<<toddc> slofgren: hi welcome back<toddc> AzloCo.com calender at
http://www.azloco.com/?q=node/28<slofgren> howdy<toddc>  Yesterday's
installfest went very well. It was not a large turn out but we have a
great time and kept busy with several projects and had a very good
time talking and testing and several new people showed up for help and
to help it was nice to see every one<toddc> We even got to see a
prescott lug member that Dazed_75 and I Met last year when we went up
there<toddc> so we need to plan another trip up there soon
http://www.lugy.net/ they meet on the 2nd Tuesday<toddc> thinks of a
good month and lets get a group together and go up there again and
show support<toddc> TEAM SERVER NEWS<toddc> thanks to Eric for
updating the azlocbbb.banditti.com stie to 0.8-3 it really works great
with a lot of new features but will need a web designer to complete
the upgrade and customize the API's so we need a volunteer if someone
would like to take it on please let me know<toddc> FUTURE
EVENTS<toddc> ETA for my rasberry PI is 4/23 and as soon as it shows
we will be setting up a few events test/break it in and see what it
can do!  Any all ideas for projects are welcome<toddc> xHans are you
here?<toddc> The Developer Meeting will be held on Thursday, April 5
at 7:30pm at UAT<toddc> Plug east side meeting Thursday April 12 at
MCC Southern ave and Dobson at the Kirk student center 7-9 pm<toddc>
that is all I have any questions or comments or other news or
ideas?<adrenaline_> I think xHans was taking the weekend off this
weekend<adrenaline_> Is anybody going to the developer meeting on
Thursday?<cc11rocks> Not here I don't think<toddc> yes I said somthing
about it so I checked plug for him<Dazed_75> Not me<adrenaline_> I was
reading the link on "MATE" That is great<cc11rocks> Just a heads up, I
wouldn't be able to go the that college to hang out with you guys
unless I can get a ride or part of the way there<toddc> those tend to
be hit and miss if anyone shows at all<cc11rocks> Mike offered to take
me if I made it to his house...<cc11rocks> 15 miles
approx<adrenaline_> Ya I am about half way<toddc> I can try to verify
that there will be a developer meeting if you like<adrenaline_>
cool<cc11rocks> http://g.co/maps/zs35c << That is where I live<toddc>
Thanks for coming tonight. I will be here a while if anyone needs help
or has a question

Todd Cole
Ubuntu Arizona Team
TEMPE AZ  85282-6507
toddc at azloco.com
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