[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #92

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed May 6 18:45:26 BST 2009

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #92 for the week 
April 27, May 3.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Ninety Second Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-May 6, 2009
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday May 10, 2009  9:00 PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the May 3, 2009 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:03 PM

Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09May03

There being no new members to introduce, johnc4510 started the meeting 
with some announcements:

 * Karmic Koala Open for Development. The release schedule for Karmic is 
available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule. The first 
milestone is expected to take place mid-May, and cessation of automatic 
syncs with Debian around the end of August.

 * Ubuntu Open Week finished up last Friday, and as usual, it was a 
great 5 days of sessions geared toward helping the community get 
involved. The list of prominent Ubuntu community members hosting 
sessions was, as always, impressive. You can find the logs of all the 
Ubuntu Open Week Sessions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek 
just scroll down the page to "The Timetable" header and click on any 
session title to read the logs.  You should check out Mark 
Shuttleworth's Q&A session logs.  I also did a open week session and 
it's listed in the logs.  First time I had done one...it was fun, and 
tyche helped me out with questions.

johnc4510 then talked about his applying for the System 76er LoCo 
program. As soon as that's approved, we can submit our flyer for 
printing. He added their link to our website. They had a script you can 
add that displays their icon which is also a hotlink. http://azloco.com/ 
.  He also suggested looking over the specifications for the new 
System76 netbook:  
http://system76.com/product_info.php?cPath=28&products_id=92 .  tyche 
suggested that it might even be better than the Dell Mini 9.  

johnc4510 then introduced the flyer we've dabbled with so far, 
http://www.flickr.com/photos/22090195@N03/3441797261/ , and asked for 
suggestions.  Jeff_Martin suggested that we put the URL for System76 on 
the flier, too.  johnc4510 admitted that there are still people he needs 
to contact about participation.  The intention is to have System76 print 
up the fliers for us, so timing is a factor.

johnc4510 got a call from the delivery company.  The shipment of CDs 
should be in his hands Monday.  xHans thanked johnc4510 for the CDs of 
Intrepid Ibex that we let him have.  He said that they went over well.

johnc4510 then asked xHans for any PLUG announcements:

 * The PLUG devel meeting is this Thursday night at UAT.  

 * The PLUG security hackfest this Saturday at UAT.  

 * Next week's PLUG East side meeting is on OpenStreetMaps.  Cloudmade's 
regional person will be in to do the presentation.  She'll also be 
hosting a street mapping party over the weekend.  
http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/119 .  I think the Arizona Geocaching 
group will be joining us for those.

calimer then asked to add a couple of announcements:

 * First thing is SandBox has a facebook group now.  

 * Second we recently released an RPG that my afterschool club worked 
on, and displayed it at RPI college which is a big one around here at a 
game festival and vicarious visions was really impressed with it.  [Ed 
note:  RPI is Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, located near 
Schenectady, Albany and Troy, New York.]  And our project in my opinion 
was significantly better than a vast majority of the entries.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:40 PM.

== Credits ==
 * Craig A Eddy
 * John Crawford

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