[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #84

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed Mar 11 17:12:07 GMT 2009

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #84 for the week
March 2, March 8.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Eighty Fourth Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-March 11, 2009
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday March 15, 2009  9:00 PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-us-az

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the March 8, 2009 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:02 PM

Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/09March08

Johnc4510 began the meeting with some announcements:

 * Karmic Koala 9.10 release schedule:

 * Hug Day: March 12th, #ubuntu-bugs,

 * LoCo Directory Moves Forward: Jono Bacon shows off screen shots of
the new LoCo directory. The idea was to take the information from the
LoCo Team List, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeamList, and gather it in a
database that was easier to read and access. This is still a work in

 * With Jaunty not far off here is a series of 4 good tutorials on
encrypted home directories by Dustin Kirkland. Dustin is a core
developer of Ubuntu.

  * Jaunty encrypted home directories:
  * How eCryptfs Works:
  * Mounting Encrypted Home using a LiveCD:
  * Ubuntu Encrypted home with 2 factor authentication:

 Justin Kirkland is really good at this. It's one of the things he's
been developing for Ubuntu.  Since jaunty won't have the .29 kernel
which supports encryption on ext 4 out of the box you'll have to use
these tutorials to get it working right.

 * Many of these links can be found in the new issue of the UWN #132
here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue132

 * The front page of our website is now aggregated to the US Teams
Planet: http://planet.ubuntu-us.org/

 * Our new website: 18 registered users, 220 hits so far. A new poll on
what version of Ubuntu do you use? One interesting item in the reports
is that Ubuntu-it(Italy) was a top referrer over the last 3 days. They
picked up my blog feed on WordPress and put it on their news page.
Thanks ubuntu-it!! http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,409 We are also
getting some hits from the RSS feed, so people are starting to
subscribe. w00t!!

 * I got an email from zach at the ASULUG.  ASULUG is planning an
InstallFest for this spring on March 21st. Zach has asked our team to
join in on the event. That is a Saturday.  We've kind of missed hooking
up with them, so it would be great if we could attend.

Jaunty events:  johnc4510 is going to set up a wiki page this week to
start our planning.  Check the team wiki page about Tuesday:
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam .  Don't be afraid to edit the wiki
page with ideas, etc.  He'll link it there.  kennymc0 mentioned that he
could call Peter Piper Pizza again.  He would just would need a date and
time.  tyche mentioned that they have wifi but no power.  kennymc0 added
that we can look for something else and if we cant find anything that's
always a fall back place.  Somewhere that we know that we can get. 
tyche chimed in with the fact that he's got the opposite problem at his
apartment complex.  Power, but no wifi.  johnc4510 added that we have
about 7 weeks to get it going, including Tucson, so lets get planning.

WordPress is working good.  We're talking of WordPress MU (Multi User),
but it's talk right now. .  johnc4510 has his
all set up now.  All content transferred, except for today's posting. 
Anyone else want to work on the test server to learn or test some apps,
they are of course welcome to.  Just ask, and we'll get you set up.

johnc4510 sent out some feelers for the ABLEconf local committee.  He's
still waiting for a couple of them to reply.

scott_ev requested that everyone read this this week
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToTriage .  We'll go over it next week. 
Then, maybe, we can get going on some bugs.

johnc4510 then asked for PLUG announcements.  tyche responded with one
that xHans had posted to the channel earlier in the meeting:

 * PLUG east side meeting.  That's March 12 (Thursday) at 7:00 to 9:00
pm.  The topic is Free Software Gaming, presented by Nathan, and SCaLE
7x review presented by Scott.  It'll be held at the Sequoia Charter
School in Mesa.  See http://plug.phoenix.az.us/node/111

The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 PM.

== Credits ==
 * Craig A Eddy
 * John Crawford

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