[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #67

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed Oct 8 17:54:19 BST 2008

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #67 for the week
October 6, October 12.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Sixty Seventh Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-October 8, 2008
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday October 12, 2008  9:00PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the October 5, 2008 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM

Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08October5

johnc4510 began with his announcements:

 * Ubuntu 8.10 Beta released:
 * Intrepid Countdown Banner - Help spread the news!  Adding the Ubuntu
countdown timer to your website is easy! Just copy and paste the lines
of code found at the link into your web page. Get the scripts at the
link.  They have a dark one and a lighter one.  These are great to add
to your blog, web page, etc.  It counts the days down until  intrepid is
released.  http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/countdown
 * Monday October 6th: Ubuntu Testing Day! 
 * Kernel Hug Day - Tues Oct. 7th. 
 * Looks like tyche is going to be a Fridge editor now. (ed. note: 
Confirmed, Monday, October 6, 2008 @ 7:58 MST by email from Joey
Stanford [rinchen])

johnc4510 then asked FernHans to make his announcements:

 * Hackfest this Saturday from noon until 15:00 at UAT, see PLUG site
for more info.  It's a security lab, so bring a laptop and be prepared
to learn about a security tool and then use it.
 * ASULUG Installfest all day this Saturday, see ASULUG site for more
info.  Yup, they're the same day.
 * PLUG east side this Thursday.
 * The next quarter starts in a couple of weeks for part of MCC and
maybe for EMCC. At MCC we'll be starting an intro class, a sysadmin
class and a security class.  The first two have been full for two
months.  The security class has room, so please sign up.
 * At ABLEconf I learned that the OOo class will be offered again next
semester, watch for more info about that.

johnc4510 then began discussing the Intrepid Release parties.  It was
his opinion that the Team is doing pretty good at the organizing.  He's
ordered the bulk shipment of Intrepid CDs, so they should be in 2 weeks
after the release date.  That means we'll have them just in time for our
installfest parties.

He sent emails to his two contacts at the universities.  He didn't get
them out until Friday, so probably won't hear back until this next week.

tyche made up a flier for the installfest
(http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=934547).  He would like more
people to comment on it.  He has one comment already, which will be
incorporated before it is finalized, and there are other adjustments
that need to be made to make room for addresses.

It has been suggested that we use the Team fliers that were used at
ABLEconf for information about the Team.  johnc4510 felt that we could
hand them out in conjunction with the installfest fliers.  So that's done.

Now, we need to work on some sort of press release for geek radio, maybe
college newspapers, and to email to the user groups.  johnc4510 will
work on the news release this week.  Then, after we get confirmations on
the locations, we can start using it.  johnc4510 wants to hit this
installfest/release party hard.

Next, tyche and johnc4510 discussed the leftover hardy cds we have. 
johnc4510 is going to try and visit a couple of places this week to see
if we can set up a few to give out.  One is a computer shop.  Public
libraries was another.  azteech suggested University and College Book
stores.  johnc4510 said he'd check that out.

johnc4510 mentioned that slofgren said something about the server having
some kind of problem.  paul928_laptop said that he believed that the
problem with the server is incompatible drivers for hardware RAID.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:28 PM.

== Credits ==
 * Craig A Eddy
 * John Crawford

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