[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #45

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed May 7 16:15:13 BST 2008

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #45 for the week
April 28, May 5.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Forty Fifth Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-May 7, 2008
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday May 11, 2008  9:00PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the May 5, 2008 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 8:59 PM

johnc4510 began with the introduction of new members.  fde and pr0nGuy
were not available.  Hipstor was at the Phoenix release party and met
some of us there.  He is having major trouble installing mythbuntu onto
Hardy Heron.  DesertPenquin said he is John and live in Sun City. He is
from Detroit and been here 8 years now. He is currently back in school
trying to figure out what he wants to be in life. It was great to meet
you at the party and he hopes to get more involved as we go forward.

Next, johnc4510 announced that the pictures of the Hardy Heron Release
Party were posted at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/HardyReleaseParties.  He thanked
everyone who helped make the release parties a success.  And a special
bit of thanks to kennymc0_laptop and tyche for their work in Phoenix.

We have install fests coming up on May 17.  See
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Installfest for information on them.

ianmcorvidae has an idea to combine a signing party with the
installfests.  ianmcorvidae said, "I can only speak for Tucson, of
course, but myself and some folks unaffiliated with this group would
like to do a keysigning (PGP, Thawte Web of Trust, CACert), and thought
that doing it paired with the installfest could raise awareness of
both.  There aren't many people in this group who use PGP/GPG much less
any of the S/MIME variants, but it seems like this could draw more
people, which is always preferable."  tyche asked, "How do they sign
keys?  Especially if they don't have their computer there?" 
ianmcorvidae responded, "signing keys is typically done in person, and
the idea is you make sure the person is who they (and their key) says
they are and that they have control, and then you sign it at home
(usually)."  Information on gpg/pgp keys and keysigning can be found at
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto.  [ed. note:  The
caff program, mentioned on that page, is installed through Synaptic. 
Look for a program called signing-party, which contains it and a number
of other OpenPGP related tools.]  ianmcorvidae said that he would send
an email to the mailing list with information on the preliminaries
needed for keysigning.

The Phoenix installfest is pretty well set up.  johnc4510 mentioned that
a location for the Tucson installfest was still needed.  tyche suggested
that Tucson could always join the Phoenix installfest.  Current
information on the installfests can be found at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Installfest.  soldats mentioned that
for all the phoenix people who never saw the flier, it is on the forums
on the installfest flier section for the latest flier
johnc4510 stressed that getting fliers out for the installfest is even
more important than it was for the Hardy release party, since we are
trying to attract non-users.  Possible places to put fliers are:
 * grocery store cork boards
 * computer shops
 * libraries
 * public places
 * churches
 * coffee shops
 * even put them up on lamp posts and street lights [ed. note: local
ordinances may apply]
 * also don't be afraid to hand them out at work if you can
 * friends
 * neighbors
 * johnc4510 even suggested that tyche should try insane asylums. [ed.
note:  I believe he was being humorous.]

We next discussed the materials that would be needed at the
installfest.  For example:
 * install disks - a good mix might be: 10 ubuntu, 3 ubuntu 64bit, 1
alternate install cd.
 * Extra CAT5 cables, for people without wireless
 * a cart or something to help people bring in equipment, ie desktop boxes
 * a camera for lots of pictures
 * signs
 * hand-outs or brochure that tell about our team and include our wiki
page, email list sign up page, and launchpad page, a short paragraph on
what we do, and irc channel info.  Should also say how we are here to
support new users etc.
For the Phoenix location, enigmastrat said there will be tables with
power strips and LAN plugs as well as wireless

The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 PM.

== Credits ==
 * ["CraigAEddy"]
 * ["Johnc4510"]

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