[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #58

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed Aug 6 21:39:45 BST 2008

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #58 for the week
July 28, August 3, 2008.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Fifty Eighth Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-August 6, 2008
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday August 10, 2008  9:00PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the August 3, 2008 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:09 PM

Agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Meetings/08August03

Do to the low turnout for the meeting, johnc4510 decided to keep it

The name for the Open Source conference has been decided.  ABLE Conf,
meaning either Arizona Business Liberty Expo or Arizona Business Liberty
Experience.  johnc4510 asked slofgren about the status of the wiki and
calendar for the conference.  slofgren admitted that he'd had some
problems with installing it due to security issues and personal
conflicts.  He said that he'd be trying again this week.

johnc4510 and xHans then talked about a presentation that johnc4510
would like to give on community.  XHans felt that the topic deserved
more than one speaker. xHans was all for it, and felt that johnc4510
would be able to do it.  In discussion, the topic was amplified to
social and community building, and support.  From johnc4510's point of
view, it would be about bringing all the Linux User Groups and the Teams

kennymc0 and azteech were given the information for joining the
conference mailing list.  kennymc0 had had problems with previous
attempts, but was successful this time.  azteech said that he'd try when
the storm was over.

johnc4510 announced that he would be in Missouri from Aug.14th -
Sept.4th, but would be in channel during that period.

xHans then made some announcements:

1. PLUG-devel is Thursday. http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/node/506

2. As johnc4510-laptop already mentioned, the Free Software conference
is now named ABLE Conf. It's Saturday, 2008Sep20 at UAT. We'll be
looking for more volunteers starting sometime this week.

3. We need to fill the online OpenOffice.org class through MCC. Any
suggestions on how to promote it? Any contacts for marketing the class? 
johnc4510 suggested Gutsy Geeks, and xHans said that he was waiting to
hear back from Michael.  johnc4510 offered to blog about it, and xHans
gave him the URL to the information
(http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/BPC110.html).  It's a great opportunity
to get an OOo class in, so we need to fill it. Failing to fill it will
likely mean it'll be years before we can try it again.

4. Aside from my shell scripting class we should soon have listings of
lots more Free Software classes for the fall semester. There will be
posts to PLUG discuss and the PLUG web site in the near future. Classes
at least at MCC, EMCC, PVCC and SCC.  johnc4510 asked if they were
online classes, and xHans replied that most are not online classes.

johnc4510 and xHans then discussed the possibility of creating podcasts
of the keynote address and talks at the conference.  johnc4510 felt that
it might be difficult, with several talks going on at once.  It was
further suggested that the conference might be somewhat ad hoc, but
xHans insisted that the outward facing portion should be well
organized.  The conference will be held at the University of Advanced
Technology, 2625 W. Baseline Road, Tempe, AZ 85283-1056.  That's the
south side of Baseline, between South Pointe Parkway and 48th Street. 
(Map:  http://tinyurl.com/5coqrs - Street View is available at that link.)

The meeting was adjourned at 9:56 PM.

== Credits ==
 * Craig A Eddy
 * John Crawford

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