[ubuntu-arizona] Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #42

Craig A. Eddy tyche at cox.net
Wed Apr 9 20:05:02 BST 2008

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #42 for the week
March 31, April 6.

 * Arizona Loco Newsletter
 * Forty Second Edition
 * Powered by Ubuntu
 * Wednesday-April 9, 2008
 * Arizona Loco Team Wiki: ["ArizonaTeam"]

 * Next meeting: Sunday April 13, 2008  9:00PM
 * Server: Freenode: IRC Channel #ubuntu-arizona

== Newsletter ==

=== Summary of the April 6, 2008 meeting ===

johnc4510 called the meeting to order at 9:01 PM

johnc4510 began the meeting by saying that he had called Silvermine Subs
today to see about having our release party there, but the manager won't
be there until tomorrow. They have wifi, and a deli style menu. The are
located at 760 N. Tyndall Ave. which is just across from the U of A
campus on the west side. Their website is here:
http://www.silverminesubs.com/locations/.  He is going to try and
physically visit the place tomorrow to make sure it is ok, and that it
will suit our purposes. i.e. space, plugs for laptops, cleanliness, etc.
If so, we will need to plug the address into the flier for Tucson and
start printing and handing them out.  tyche mentioned that there would
be no problem with putting the address in the flier.  Everyone should
try to print out filers to hand out on a daily basis wherever they might
happen to be. In other words, take some fliers and tape with you.
wherever you go and try to get businesses to let you post in their
window or on their contact board. Flier should also be left at counters
if acceptable to give people a chance to take one home with them.  The
current version of the Phoenix flier is on the AZ Forums, and the
attachment can be seen at
Tucson's will be the same day, but a different address.

We also need to put together a good email for the team list. We need to
try and get some of the members who are not participating at this point
to come and join in the celebration and friendship of a release party.
By doing this, we will also be gaining a chance to get more help for the
installfest that will be taking place shortly after the release party. 
johnc4510 said that he would take care of sending out the email.  We are
only about 3 weeks away from the release, so we need to move quickly to
distribute the flier. We also need to contact the radio show host that
soldats has been in contact with so that he might give us a plug.
johnc4510 then asked if there were any other ideas about free
advertising that we might use?  tyche responded with Craigslist, and
mentioned that the Phoenix information was already put up there. 
ianmcorvidae suggested facebook/myspace/so forth might be good, but only
if we have a set of people who are willing to try to spread the news on
those sites.  johnc4510 added that anyone with a blog could post a
notice there concerning the party.

No one else had anything else they wanted to discuss.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 PM.

== Credits ==
 * ["CraigAEddy"]
 * ["Johnc4510"]

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