[ubuntu-arizona] August 8th AZ Ubuntu Newsletter

Jacob Pacini pman2440 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 17:39:48 BST 2007



   1. Newsletter<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam/Newsletters/07August12#head-af94e5770f9526ca3e83cd2bab6ff33d2f8042c2>

 [image: BannerAZ_b.png]

Ubuntu-Arizona LoCo <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCo> Team - The Hottest
LoCo<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCo>on Earth

Welcome to the Ubuntu-Arizona Weekly Newsletter, Issue #11 for the week
August 08 - August 15, 2007.


   Arizona Loco Newsletter

   Eighth Edition

   Powered by Ubuntu

   Wednesday-August 8, 2007

      Arizona Loco Forum Link: ArizonaTeam<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArizonaTeam>

Next meeting: Sunday August 12, 2007 9:00PM Server: Freenode: IRC Channel


The Ubuntu US Teams project has implemented some new naming standards for
team wiki pages, launchpad pages, etc. Our team launchpad page did not
conform to the new standard, and so I have changed it. The new address
is: [image:
[WWW]] http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona<http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-arizona>If
you have this page bookmarked, please change it to this new address.

We had three new members at the last meeting, and one visitor. donchriscoe
joined in from Flagstaff and has been involved with computers since the mid
80's. Two months ago he decided to give linux a try and choose Ubuntu. Our
next new member was flux, who lives in Tucson, and is a student. He has been
using linux for a while now and is involved with hardware and low level
programming. Finally there is Nateh, who is a systems administrator for SMP
MS windows shops. Nate lives in Tucson and started with Red Hat in 2003 and
has been using some form of Linux ever since. Our visitor this week was
pak33m aka Jimmy. Jimmy is from the Florida Team and installs web
applications and servers for a living. The team welcomes all and we look
forward to getting know you better.

Summary of the August 05, 2007 meeting:

We had formal introductions of the three new members to our Arizonza team
that seems to be gaining more members every week! Great work all, and keep
it up.

The first item discussed was the newsletter team, which will be going under
some new changes as we get more people and with Marty willing to help get
some more meat into the newsletter. I (Jacob) will be getting into contact
with Marty hopefully later this week and we can hash out ideas on how to
expand the newsletter. And if any of you have any suggestions please email
me at [image: [MAILTO]] pman2440 at gmail.com <pman2440 at gmail.com> or you can
catch me in the IRC channel under jacob2440.

We are putting the tax exemption status on the back burner. The 'National'
team has tossed around ideas of how they can do it so every state could use
the same number and have one large bank account. There would too much
trouble and costs if we wanted to do it ourselves. So unfortunately this
will minimize the amount of donations we receive. We can still do fund
raisers and other means.

We are still working hard to get Team Approval and all members that are
either new or have yet to do so, please look at the following links for our
Local Ubuntu Team. The first site [image: [WWW]] Team Approval
where you can see the goals that our group needs to meet in order to
team approval from the national Ubuntu group. The second site [image:
[WWW]]Team Approval
where you will find all the different areas we need people to
to help get the local team ready for approval. Any help big or small would
be appreciated.

We are also working on getting CD's and informational flyers out to people
to spread the word about Ubuntu,
SloggerKhan<https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SloggerKhan>is going to try and
have a prototype of the flyer ready by next week for the
whole team to look at, comment on and see if that is something we want to
use. And we are still in need of people to help burn CD's.

Thank you all for your help and support and lets keep up the good work. And
remember about the new Launchpad page has moved locations so make sure to
update your bookmarks!
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