Hi everyone<br><br>Just a quick email, <br><br>UCubed, a Debian and Ubuntu Unconference will be held this Saturday in Manchester.<br>It is a free event, and we currently have 52 attendees booked for the day!<br>We have 8 places available, so if you fancy coming along, visit our website <br>
<br><a href="http://ucubed.info">http://ucubed.info</a><br><br>We'll have lots of talks and workshops on the day, and everyone is encouraged to bring a talk or project along with them to share.<br><br>Current talks are<br>
<br>Dan Lynch's keynote<br>Aubergine is not the only colour, a look at three alternative Debian distros<br>Okay Computer, a look at the philosophy of free software<br>Whistlestop tour of Ubuntu, 30 minutes to learn cool features of Ubuntu<br>
Android app developement<br><br>Current workshops are<br><br>Debian Arcade Machines<br>Debian Demo Area, provided by <a href="http://blackpoollug.blogspot.com/">Blackpool LUG </a><br><br>So grab a ticket and come along.<br>
<br>All the best<br><br>Les Pounder<br>@biglesp on <a href="http://identi.ca">identi.ca</a> and twitter<br><br>