I shall enter the comp, please upload and send my winings to <a href="mailto:cyberjacob@gmail.com">cyberjacob@gmail.com</a>, :)<br><br><div class="gmail_quote">On 30 September 2010 14:57, Alan Pope <span dir="ltr"><<a href="mailto:alan@popey.com">alan@popey.com</a>></span> wrote:<br>
<blockquote class="gmail_quote" style="margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; border-left: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 204); padding-left: 1ex;">See below. May be of interest to people in the UK LUG scene. :D<br>
---------- Forwarded message ----------<br>
From: Linux Magazine Service <<a href="mailto:subs@linux-magazine.com">subs@linux-magazine.com</a>><br>
Date: 30 September 2010 14:18<br>
Subject: [admin] Join the celebration of Linux Magazine!<br>
To: <a href="mailto:admin@lug.org.uk">admin@lug.org.uk</a><br>
We'd like to invite you and the members of your LUG to join us in celebrating<br>
the 10th anniversary issue of Linux Magazine!<br>
For the LUGs we've prepared 15 anniversary packages, which will be drawn from<br>
the list of all LUGs that answer our mailing. Each of the packages contains<br>
two copies of Linux-Magazine #120, #119 and #118, two copies of ADMIN<br>
Magazine #01 and two copies of Ubuntu User #06 and #05. All you have to do is<br>
to answer this email by the 1st of November with the delivery adress you'd<br>
want the package sent to.<br>
You can also join our grand anniversary prize draw! Starting from the 4th of<br>
October you have the chance to win one free 10-year subscription or one of 10<br>
1-year-subscriptions to Linux Magazine! Participation is easy: Just stay<br>
subscribed or order a standard or DVD subscription of Linux Magazine, and in<br>
January 2011 you have the chance to be the lucky winner of a free 10-year<br>
subscription to Linux Magazine!<br>
In this anniversary issue of Linux Magazine #120 we give you all the tricks,<br>
all the hacks, all the apps and every single article we've ever published in<br>
the 10-year history of Linux Magazine!<br>
Read the past 10 years of Linux history as you browse through The Complete<br>
Linux Magazine Archive DVD included in this anniversary issue.<br>
Inside our 120th issue of Linux Magazine you'll:<br>
- meet Linus Torvalds' parents: his mother takes us on a tour of Helsinki, and<br>
his father talks about his son's early influences;<br>
- check out the MeeGo mobile operating system as it prepares for take off;<br>
- find out what Mark Shuttleworth says about the new gesture suite for touch<br>
- learn about multi-core processing from the command line;<br>
- get your Linux questions answered by Knoppix creator Klaus Knopper;<br>
- and look back on our first issue and our 10-year history with Rikki Kite.<br>
We'll also show you how to:<br>
- roll your own OpenOffice extensions,<br>
- access your iTunes library online,<br>
- optimize and troubleshoot TCP connections,<br>
- speed up the shell with GNU parallel,<br>
- and much more!<br>
The special anniversary issue of Linux Magazine will be on sale in UK and<br>
Europe from the 4th of October but you can also order your copy here:<br>
<a href="http://www.linux-magazine.com/10years" target="_blank">http://www.linux-magazine.com/10years</a><br>
Kind regards,<br>
Steven Lloyd<br>
Steven Lloyd, Customer Service Manager<br>
Linux New Media AG, Putzbrunner Str. 71, 81739 Munich, Germany<br>
Phone: +49 89 99341 150, Fax: +49 89 9934 1199<br>
<a href="mailto:slloyd@linuxnewmedia.de">slloyd@linuxnewmedia.de</a> - <a href="http://www.linuxnewmedia.de" target="_blank">http://www.linuxnewmedia.de</a><br>
Linux New Media, the Pulse of Linux: Lawrence, KS - Málaga<br>
Manchester - München - São Paulo - Warszawa<br>
Corporate Headquarters: Putzbrunner Str. 71, 81739 Munich, Germany<br>
Corporate ID: HRB 129161, Amtsgericht München<br>
Officers: Brian Osborn, Hermann Plank<br>
Chairman: Rudolf Strobl<br>
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