Heyhey everybody! <div><br></div><div>I'm looking at investing in a scanner so I can digitise my university notes this coming academic year. I was wondering if anyone has a scanner they can recommend that works well with Ubuntu? Ideally it would be a tray-fed scanner, so I can put in several sheets at a time and just hit a nice big 'GO' button, and it would scan it all into a single PDF. Bonus points if it can scan both sides of the paper in one go. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Also, has anyone tried any available OCR software for Ubuntu? It'd be great if I could scan in my notes into text, which would make them all searchable!</div><div><br clear="all">Simon Wears<br><a href="http://MunkyJunky.com">http://MunkyJunky.com</a><br>