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Hi all,<BR>
Three days ago had a new internet connection installed and today have checked the logs on my router. I was a little concerned to find 4-5 TCP/UDP port scans followed by 15-20 SYN floods occuring about every 20 minutes for the past THREE days!<BR>
With my admittedly limited knowledge of computer security I already know these are consistent with DOS attacks but why would anyone be trying to block my services?<BR>
I also came home today to find my router had been knocked offline so had to re-start it to restore my internet connection.<BR>
Should I be concerned or are these just random attacks that are being handled safely by my router? If not then how do I go about stopping these and monitoring my system for something a little more sinister. I have installed and monitored Wireshark for a while this evening but am not really sure what I am looking for.<BR>
Any help/advise would be fantastic.<BR>