Hi -- I'm trying to install Shoes (<a href="http://shoooes.net/">http://shoooes.net/</a>) on Ubuntu Ibex, and am running into a few problems.<br>The way to install Shoes on a Linux system is with a .run file, and the instructions there say little more than double-click it.<br>
When I try that, I get gedit complaining that it can't read the character encoding of the file, so I think that it's time to try the trusty terminal, with little concern for the flagrant alliteration.<br>The .run file is saved in a subdir of my home directory, btw, and was saved to there by the current user (me).<br>
<br>When I try "./shoes2.run", I get the following output: "bash: ./shoes2.run: Permission denied".<br>So, for completeness' sake, I try "sudo ./shoes.run", and then get: "sudo: ./shoes2.run: command not found".<br>
<br>Can anyone advise me on what to try next?<br>Thanks very much,<br> Doug.<br><br>