[ubuntu-uk] Strange problem with Firefox in 15.04 and later ...

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Sat Feb 27 11:57:29 UTC 2016

On 26/02/16 20:27, Simon Greenwood wrote:
> That's the answer - there should be. There will be something in the 
> scripts that activates it. If you don't know, is localhost, 
> your own computer, so it will always ping but it's unlikely that you 
> have anything running on it in normal use so it won't respond to a 
> HTTP request in a web browser.
Hi Simon ....  Having found the page describing the use of the initctl 
command, I can't find a package or anything else, such as the code.  I 
gather it used to be included with upstart, and that has changed.  There 
must be a workaround using another command, but so far, I'm no finding 

Regards,        Barry.


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