[ubuntu-uk] Wine bug - new package?

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Thu Mar 26 08:31:07 UTC 2015

On 25/03/15 12:28, Tony Pursell wrote:
> There is a ppa for up-to-date Wine versions, if you can enable it in Mint.

Thanks for that.  I'm OK in Mint as it uses an older package.  I can't 
install a legacy package in the current Ubuntu, as the gnu dependencies 
are what cause the problem.

I have left a Launchpad message for the packager.  This packager doesn't 
seem to be very active at the moment.  Anybody know any more about this? 
  A lot of folk depend heavily on wine, so it seems important to me that 
we get things sorted.

Regards,		Barry.

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