[ubuntu-uk] Reverse engineering data files

Gareth France gareth.france at cliftonts.co.uk
Thu Nov 27 11:06:32 UTC 2014

Correct, The format of the file appears to have evolved. The file we 
began looking at came from my old machine which has now been sold. When 
I started looking at this I did not have my new machines to hand though 
the basic structure remains the same. Keep in mind the result on the old 
machine would go right up to 99.99 then >99.99. The more modern file 
just goes up to 99.99. I agree the F3 appears to be a flag to identify 
which result this is, 01 looks like pass/fail and the other one/two are 
the result. What intrigues me is that the last bit is changing even 
though the result is the same. But these converted to either text or 
decimal bare no resemblance to the results they represent.

On 27/11/14 11:00, Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Thu, 27 Nov 2014, Gareth France wrote:
>> Hex		Result
>> F3 01 48 79  - 99.99
>> F3 01 90 B7  - 42.79 - 0x90b7 & 0x7fff = 0x10b7 = 4279 decimal
>> F3 01 48 D8  - 99.99
>> F3 01 48 DB  - 99.99
>> F3 01 48 DB  - 99.99
>> F3 01 48 D6  - 99.99
>> F3 01 97 78  - 60.08 - 0x9778 & 0x7fff = 0x1778 = 6008 decimal
> The top bit appears to be fail/pass indicator.  However, there are
> three bytes of payload above, but in the earlier 'SSS' sample the F3
> test result only has two after it:
>>>>> f2 80 05   f3 4e 08   f6 80 49 00 08   f8 80 00  (Washing machine)
>>>>> f2 80 06   f3 4e 08   f6 80 01 00 08   f8 80 00  (Fridge)
> 	-Paul

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