[ubuntu-uk] Bug report filed re screenshot problem

Rowan Berkeley rowan.berkeley at gmail.com
Sun Nov 16 16:47:57 UTC 2014

On 16/11/14 16:42, Colin Law wrote:
> On 16 November 2014 16:11, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berkeley at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 16/11/14 15:43, Colin Law wrote:
>>> On 16 November 2014 14:35, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berkeley at gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 16/11/14 14:32, Rowan Berkeley wrote:
>>>>> On 16/11/14 14:27, Colin Law wrote:
>>>>>> On 16 November 2014 14:21, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berkeley at gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-screenshot/+bug/1393188
>>>>>> Is fglrx installed?  To find out:
>>>>>> apt-cache policy fglrx
>>>>>> Colin
>>>>> Yes, it is. But if you are thinking of the bug we looked at yesterday,
>>>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-screenshot/+bug/1103847
>>>>> This isn't it, because that one generates an error message and fails to
>>>>> perform screenshot, and mine doesn't do that, it performs screenshot,
>>>>> but with an old image.
>>>> Sorry, correction: that one does perform screenshot, but with an old
>>>> image,
>>>> just like mine. But that one generates an error message, and mine
>>>> doesn't.
>>>> That's the only difference.
>>> I still think it would be worth uninstalling fglrx to see if it fixes
>>> it, it is a remarkable coincidence to get such an odd symptom.  When I
>>> uninstalled it  (for a different problem) it automatically fell back
>>> to the free driver and I don't notice any difference in performance
>>> (though I am not running graphics intensive games or similar).  You
>>> can always re-install it again.
>>> Colin
>> I have found a couple of pages of instructions on how to do that:
>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/445758/uninstalling-previous-install-of-the-fglrx-driver
>> http://askubuntu.com/questions/68306/how-do-i-remove-the-proprietary-ati-drivers
>> Any comments on those, please, to help me decide whether to pitch into one
>> or another of them?
> No idea, sorry, I just uninstalled fglrx.  Possibly that was not the
> right thing to do but it seemed to work for me.
> Colin
Well, how did you uninstall it? That is what those pages are about, how 
to uninstall it. How did you do it.

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