[ubuntu-uk] Removing "Unknown Display" in 14.04

Adam Funk a24061 at ducksburg.com
Tue Jul 1 08:50:09 UTC 2014

On 2014-06-30, Colin Law wrote:

> On 30 June 2014 21:07, Gordon Burgess-Parker <gordon at gbpcomputing.co.uk> wrote:
>> Is there any way of permanently removing the "unknown display"? I've turned
>> it off but it still is sitting there although not now affecting anything...
> There is not normally an 'unknown display'.  Have you got two graphics
> cards?  Or a card with two outputs?

Oh, is *that* why I have an unknown display too?  I've been wondering;
'lshw -c video' does list 2 '*-display' items.

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