[ubuntu-uk] Ubuntu 12.04.5 on server

Paul Tansom paul at aptanet.com
Fri Aug 8 16:06:25 UTC 2014

I've just seen teh LTS update release notice [1] and noted the kernel updates
for new installations. From looking at details on the LTS Enablement Stacks [2]
I see that you can upgrade existing installs to the new kernel if you want to
using the linux-generic-lts-[quantal|raring|saucy] packages (and presumably by
implication earlier in the page trusty as well, although that isn't
specifically mentioned; there is a package though).

Looking at the packages available it looks as though this is aimed at desktop
installs as there doesn't appear to be any matching packages for the server
kernels. Am I reading this wrong?

[1] https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2014-August/000189.html
[2] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack

 Paul Tansom  |  Aptanet Ltd.  |  http://www.aptanet.com/  |  023 9238 0001
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