[ubuntu-uk] fsck during boot

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 19:06:51 UTC 2013

On 3 Oct 2013 19:44, "Mark Fraser" <mfraz74+ubuntu at gmail.com> wrote:
> I realised the other day that I hadn't seen my computer run fsck during
> for quite a while. Running dumpe2fs I get this:
> Mount count:              220
> Maximum mount count:      -1
> Last checked:             Wed Mar 20 21:20:51 2013
> I understand that I can run
> tune2fs -c 35
> To get it to check every 35 mounts, but do I have to do this when the
> partition is unmounted?
> Not even sure why it has been set up this was as I don't remember
changing it.

You can run that tune2fs command while the partition is mounted without
problem. It will then take effect on the next boot.

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