[ubuntu-uk] Saucy Salamander testing ....

Barry Drake ubuntu-advertising at gmx.com
Fri May 10 20:34:29 UTC 2013

On 09/05/13 08:03, Alan Pope wrote:
> I would recommend you jump on freenode irc and chat to the desktop 
> developers. #ubuntu-desktop is a good place to start. However 
> #ubuntu+1 is the "official" support channel for the next release

Thanks for all the suggestions.  I'm not much of an irc person - haven't 
even got a client installed on this system.  I'll go on next week and 
lurk for a while though,  There's no great hurry as I'm fine on the 
backup 13.04, but I quite enjoy finding bugs in a testing release by 
actually using it day-to-day.  I'll post the result eventually.

Kind regards,        Barry.

Barry Drake is a member of the the Ubuntu Advertising team.

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