[ubuntu-uk] Mouse scrolling in man pages

Neil Greenwood neil.greenwood.lug at gmail.com
Thu Mar 7 21:14:40 UTC 2013

On Mar 7, 2013 8:29 PM, "Jim Price" <d1version at hotmail.com> wrote:
> On 07/03/13 18:12, Tony Pursell wrote:
>> On 7 March 2013 16:49, Jim Price <d1version at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>> I'm using Gnome terminal in Mythbuntu 12.04 and mouse-wheel scrolling
>>> works fine for scrolling back and forward through terminal history, but
>>> whenever I view a manpage, the mouse wheel no longer scrolls. I've
>>> and discovered that man uses less to display the pages, but all the
>>> I've tried from Googling have failed to solve the issue. I've tried
>>> options using the LESS environment variable, lesskey, and played with
>>> scrolling settings in Gnome terminal, but all to no avail. The same
>>> happens in XFCE terminal, so I think it might be something to do with
>>> rather than the terminal used. Can anyone suggest what might be
>>> here or does anyone know of a solution?
>> [snip]
> That's a reasonable workaround. Curiously the problem seems to have fixed
itself now, and I have no idea whether it's because of something I did or
not. I did do a re-install of gnome-terminal - maybe that did it.

I saw something that might explain this only today. I was looking at the
documentation for the terminator command that replaces gnome-terminal. It
mentions the separate buffer that vim, less and similar programs use. It
mentioned VTE, and how Ubuntu had patched the mouse wheel scrolling to make
it optional. Sorry I can't remember any more detail than that, but it might
give you some google-fodder...

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