[ubuntu-uk] Imagine if Linux become massively popular?

Byte Soup bytesoup at gmail.com
Thu Jun 13 13:56:15 UTC 2013

On 13 June 2013 14:11, Liam Proven <lproven at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 13 June 2013 11:25, Byte Soup <bytesoup at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I think we can agree that partially the success of windows has made it a
> > target for criminals and malware. So if for whatever reason tomorrow we
> saw
> > a massive uptake then where would that leave us? Would it really be a
> good
> > thing?
> I think this is possibly /the/ single greatest red herring and straw
> man put up by Windows advocates and I'm really sorry to see it
> repeated on a Linux list.

Hey don't tar me with that brush, im no windows advocate! I just thought if
I were a crim (and im not) I'd look at the most popular platform.

> * Apple's OS X is hugely popular.

Are you a Mac fan by any chance ;-)

> * OS X is a Unix.

BSD if im correct no?

> * OS X has not been compromised. There are no OS X viruses in the
> wild. (Yes, there are Trojans, but that's different - they don't
> spread unaided.)

You sure about that? I had a quick google and found this for example


> * Apple owners are richer than PC owners because Apple kit is more
> expensive than PCs.

I think that's a bit of a sweeping statement there?

> * Why? Because OS X is secure by design. Windows is not.

I dont disagree there, unix and linux have way better security.

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