[ubuntu-uk] Virgin broadband from 20 to 60 megas

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Sun Jul 21 04:10:30 UTC 2013

Really? (Wifi drops to lowest device speed)

I've never encountered this... why and how does this happen?


On Saturday, 20 July 2013, Rob Beard wrote:

> On 20/07/13 20:52, Muñiz Piniella, Andrés wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> The heaviest use of internet I do is for some video streaming at home.
>> At the moment youtube on mobile and tablet and lovefilm on the wii
>> (still no joy with ubuntu). Also video chat.
>> They take less then a minute to load and only ocasionally do they break
>> midway (normally removing hd mode makes things better).
>> Do you think I would notice a significant improvement from going from 20
>> megs to 60 megs?
>> Bonus question: the upgrade will come with virgins wireless router that
>> will be replacing my 7 year old router from netgear. Would that show a
>> significant improvement as well? Most of my gadgets are wireless.
>>  As far as I'm aware Virgin are upgrading 20Mbit customers to 60Mbit
> anyway, but if you've got the old separate modem and router then you might
> need one of their Super Hubs.  I'm not sure what the latest Super Hub is
> like, but the originals are fairly poor.  For a long while it wasn't
> possible to configure them as just a modem (although eventually Virgin did
> fix this) and the wifi on them is pretty bad (sure it connects at 150 or
> 300Mbit but the signal is not that great).
> If you do get a Super Hub and find that it's got poor wireless I'd suggest
> looking and putting it in modem only mode and getting a separate cable
> router.  IIRC too, wireless tends to slow down to the maximum speed the
> slowest device supports.  So if you've got a say a phone that supports
> 150Mbit Wireless (N is it?) and a laptop that supports the older 54mbit
> Wireless G then everything will drop down to the slower speeds.
> Rob
> --
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