[ubuntu-uk] Zoostorm laptop at ebuyer.com

Mark Fraser mfraz74+ubuntu at gmail.com
Sat Jan 19 10:18:49 UTC 2013

On Friday 18 Jan 2013 12:25:16 Alan Pope wrote:
> On 18/01/13 02:36, Rob Beard wrote:
> > I was under the impression that you can configure things like drivers to
> > re-compile when a kernel changes, not that I know exactly how to
> > configure it to do so (is it something to do with DKMS?).
> Yes, DKMS does that.
> However sometimes (not often) the upstream driver breaks when a new
> kernel comes out which might need manual intervention. If this scares
> you then choose a machine which has non-stupid wifi if possible.

I've used DKMS before, mainly for Nvidia drivers. It isn't that it scares me - 
I used Fedora before moving over to Ubuntu and that required the re-
installation of graphics drivers every time the kernel changed - I just don't 
fancy having to remember to check after every upgrade.

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