[ubuntu-uk] Command line instructions to force Rhythmbox to set Library

Rowan Berkeley rowan.berkeley at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 10:22:15 UTC 2013

Hi -

Here's a question I'm sure will be fairly simple for all you command 
line geeks out there: when I started this 12.10 set-up, I loaded the 
Rhythmbox Library from an external hard disk, where I keep the backups 
of all my music. Subsequently I copied all the music into the 
/home/music folder of the computer itself. Now Rhythmbox will load from 
these, but only after a delay, and in Preferences, the Library source 
setting is stuck at "multiple locations set". I am sure that from the 
command line I can force it to adopt /home/music as the Library source, 
but I can't find up-to-date instructions on how to do this anywhere 
online. What I have found online is instructions for using gconf editor, 
which don't seem to be recognised on 12.10. So please tell me how to do 
it. Thanks.

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