[ubuntu-uk] Installing Ubuntu on a machine with Windows 9

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Sun Jan 6 12:43:10 UTC 2013

On 6 January 2013 10:33, Rowan Berkeley <rowan.berkeley at gmail.com> wrote:

>  Actually, I've tried that, but not with the disk; I've tried it with
> what I called the 'self installer'. This is the procedure Ubuntu offer as
> "the easy way" because it skips the CD stage altogether, it just downloads
> directly into your files, then you find it and click 'run'. They call it
> the "Windows installer" and it's here:
> http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/windows-installer

That's probably a change of semantics... used to be called "WUBI" (which
presumably stood for Windows Ubuntu Installer" or something)...

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