[ubuntu-uk] Any recommendations for an xhtml editor

Sean Miller sean at seanmiller.net
Sat Jan 5 21:58:49 UTC 2013

On 5 January 2013 21:45, kpb <kpb at sohcahtoa.org.uk> wrote:

> I will use your feedback to correct the markup on the OpenOffice generated
> page by hand, just as a matter of principle.

There is no necessity to do it... I am merely illustrating how "generated
markup" is ALWAYS inferior to "written markup".

> The w3 validator thingy seems prepared to accept that the markup within
> the other pages (not the OpenOffice one) is consistent with the dtd at the
> top of each page, except for the bits I *didn't* use markdown for (e.g.
> tables).

Who gives a damn about the W3C validator?!!?

In this day and age we worry about cross-browser support and other more
urgent considerations.  We try to stick to W3C guidelines, but the fact is
that the validator kicks out lots of code that one has to put in to make
things work cross-platform.

jQuery is helping, mind you.

None of this is helping Mike Hingley with his original question, but,
> anyone have any recommendations for the easiest way to do LaTeX -> (x)html?

Mike wrote "I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a wysiwyg
editor for ubuntu?  Ideally I was looking for something like kompozer, but
without the KDE requirement (it does have a KDE requirement right?)"

I never saw any requirement for LaTeX.

I was merely trying to suggest that he was probably going down a
dead-end-road with his search for a WYSIWYG.

It was you that started diverting the conversation away from "WYSIWYG vs.
markup" towards your own shell script solution...

I do not feel that I have deviated at all.. I am still trying to persuade
Mike that learning HTML/XHTML is the way to go, rather than waste time with
a WYSIWYG solution.

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