[ubuntu-uk] Windows 8 (a pox on it)

Rowan Berkeley rowan.berkeley at gmail.com
Sun Feb 17 11:54:27 UTC 2013

My friend in Denmark has finally got into the BIOS on her Fujitsu 
machine (the one on she installed Ubuntu to replace Windows 8 without 
making the necessary alterations in the BIOS settings first), by hitting 
F2 when she sees the Fujitsu logo. She has sent me a series of photos of 
the screens. It seems that she made a USB stick on her old Windows 
machine, using the special application recommended for doing this on a 
Windows machine, and installed Ubuntu 12.10 on the new machine using 
that. There are six photos of the successive BIOS screens. The BIOS is 
called "Phoenix SecureCore Tiano Setup". The six screens it offers are 
called Info, System, Advanced, Security, Boot and Exit. Here are 
descriptions of what they show.

(1) There is no photo for the first one, Info.
(2) System shows System Time, System Date, and Drive Configurations, 
this last with an unopened sub-menu.
(3) Advanced shows Fast Boot enabled (I have told her to disable this), 
CSM disabled, PXE Boot Protocol IPv4, Legacy USB Support enabled, 
Anytime USB Charge disabled, Serial ATA Controller enabled, AHCI 
Configuration enabled, Internal Camera enabled, USB3.0 Controller 
enabled, Virtualization Technology enabled, Wake Up on LAN disabled, FAN 
Control silent, ODD Power Management enabled, Intel (R) AT Suspend Mode 
(4) Security shows Supervisor Password is clear, User Password is clear, 
Set Supervisor Password [Enter], Set User Password [Enter], Password on 
Boot disabled, Hard Disk Security has an unopened sub-menu, and Secure 
Boot Configurations has an unopened sub-menu. I have told her to open 
this last and disable any and all secure boot options therein.
(5) Boot shows a puzzling Boot Priority Order:
1. Windows Boot Manager
2. Floppy Disk Drive:
3. Drive0 HDD:
4. CD/DVD Drive: (spec omitted)
5. NETWORK: LAN (some hex code omitted) - IPv4
8. ubuntu
Obviously the question is what the hell is 'ubuntu' (no cap, just as 
shown. I hazard it is the name she gave to the USB stick, which the 
system has now interpreted as a bootable device. My first suggestion was 
that she move this to the top of the boot order, but on second thoughts 
I decided it didn't sound like a legitimate bootable device, so I 
suggested she move DRIVE0 HDD: to the top of the list. As things stand 
now, when she exits the system goes to a Windows Boot Manager page with 
no usable options on it.
(6) Exit is the normal Exit screen, with Exit Saving Changes, Exit 
Discarding Changes, Load Setup Defaults, Discard Changes, Save Changes, 
and Save Changes and Power Off.

The four other photos she has sent me are as follows:

(1) A Windows screen of the contents of the USB stick, as viewed with 
the file browser on her old Windows machine. AFAIK, the stick is normal.

(2) The contents of the Boot Menu, which are:
1. ubuntu (highlighted)
2. Windows Boot Manager
3. CD/DVD Drive (spec omitted)
4. NETWORK: LAN ((hex code omitted) - IPv4

(3) The contents of the Applications Menu, which are:
1. BIOS Setup (highlighted)
2. Diagnostic Screen

  (4) A small warning window which says "Warning Bootable device not 
found [CONTINUE]". At the bottom of the screen, outside this little 
warning window, are the options [Enter], Select, Boot, Menu.

So, I have told her to disable Fast Boot in the Advanced tab, and any 
Secure Boot options in the Secure Boot Configurations sub-menu of the 
Security tab, and to move either 'ubuntu' or DRIVE0 HDD: to the top of 
the Boot Priority Order (I'm not sure which). But what is 'ubuntu' with 
a small 'u', and what should the correct Boot Priority Order and Boot 
Menu orders be?

BTW, messages don't archive as items in a continuous thread unless they 
are direct replies to previous messages in the thread, even if the 
Subject line is exactly identical. Is there any way round this?

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