[ubuntu-uk] Files in .comiz-1

Phill Whiteside PhillW at Ubuntu.com
Fri Feb 8 23:50:10 UTC 2013

Hi Tony,

IIRC ubuntu has never cleaned up old kernels. But having just had a chat
with the -release team, it is a function that is going to be added to 13.04
by adding to the apt-get autoremove function. They are also working on it
being automated on new kernel installs. Until then, you need to do it



On 8 February 2013 23:28, Tony Pursell <ajp at princeswalk.fsnet.co.uk> wrote:

> On 8 February 2013 20:03, SuperEngineer <boosys at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> Having found the cause of slow log-in to desktop recently, I sarted
>> checking around various places for various other types of waste.
>> Question:  are those 1,578 files in my /home/.compiz-1/session actually
>> needed or can some/all be rm'd?  They seem to all be of same format - an
>> xml file with 1 line [e.g. compiz_session id=.......]
>> 1,578 files seems to be a lot for any app [even compiz] but...
> I've got 905 dating back to 2010.  I wonder how many more cases there are
> of potentially unwanted files.  And what is the effect on the system.
> Eating up inodes?  Or isn't that a problem these days...
> The other thing I wonder about is why I have 26 old kernels with, of
> course, the same number of System.map, abi, config and initrd files in
> /boot, and Header files squirrelled away somewhere.  At one time you used
> to be able to set the number you wanted to keep.
> Tony
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