[ubuntu-uk] Virgin broadband from 20 to 60 megas

Muñiz Piniella, Andrés a75576 at alumni.tecnun.es
Sat Aug 3 22:06:24 UTC 2013

El 21/07/2013 18:44, "Tyler J. Wagner" <tyler at tolaris.com> escribió:
> On 2013-07-21 17:41, Tyler J. Wagner wrote:
> > The Virgin Super Hub is absolute shite. I really miss my old Scientific
> > Atlanta modem. I'm not sure the 60 mbit update was worth the change.
> Sorry, please allow me to qualify that rant:
> 1. Wireless disassociations. Several per week per workstation.
> 2. Dropped established TCP sessions. Like to leave an SSH session open and
> expect it to work the next day? Guess again.
> 3. Lock ups with high numbers of TCP or UDP sessions, such as with
> Modem mode and using my own OpenWRT-based router resolves all that.
Thanks for the insight. I have declined the offer. Also mentioned you
(tyler) on twitter, I hope you do not mind.

In similar lines I found this interesting:
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