[ubuntu-uk] Sorely disappointed with U1 Music Store

Penelope Stowe pstowe at gmail.com
Wed Apr 17 10:56:30 UTC 2013

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 5:25 PM, Bod Soutar <bodsda at googlemail.com> wrote:

> I agree that the error message could have been more informative, but as a
> programmer I can also testify to the impractical chore of designing error
> messages for every eventuality. It's just not possible with an integrated
> system, therefore its better that "some error" did get displayed rather
> than passing silently.
> I wonder if it would be useful to file a bug suggesting that error
messages in the music store (if possible, only when the error comes during
an actual purchase) include a recommendation to check with your bank to see
if money has been withdrawn before re-attempting your purchase? I don't
actually think many of the target end users for Ubuntu would think about
checking to see if the money's been withdrawn before trying again. Most of
them aren't going to come say anything on an Ubuntu list or file a bug;
they'll just take their money elsewhere. I'm not a programmer so I don't
know if it would be feasible to only include it in errors where someone was
in process of purchasing when the error occurred, but it might be worth
having in general in the music store if it can't be set more specifically.
I've certainly used websites that put that suggestion in when an error
occurs during a purchase.

~ Penelope
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