[ubuntu-uk] Life without unity

Gareth France gareth.france at gmail.com
Sat Apr 6 20:38:14 UTC 2013

I'm sure, but my point is that the fallback mode should feel natural to 
me. After all it's based on what I have been using since Windows 95. 
However I've gotten used to Unity. So my point was, have those who 
dislike it really given it enough of a chance to get used to it? Not all 
of them I bet!

On 06/04/13 21:32, Phill Whiteside wrote:
> Hi Gareth,
> the ubuntu-GNOME team did get a beta-2 out, why not give it a try? I 
> cannot recall where the release notes are, but IRC is at #ubuntu-gnome 
> and I mirror a set of iso's at http://phillw.net/isos/
> Regards,
> Phill.
> On 6 April 2013 21:11, Gareth France <gareth.france at gmail.com 
> <mailto:gareth.france at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I just thought I'd write a little something about my experience
>     today for the unity nay sayers. I'm running Raring at the moment
>     and it's been going pretty well so far, but today I had my first
>     breakage. Compiz is crashing so unity as a whole is not loading
>     and I simply get the desktop and nothing more.
>     So, not to be beaten I installed gnome shell and the fallback mode
>     is working. However it's not usable, having used unity since it
>     became the default interface I now find the gnome 2 style
>     interface agonisingly clunky. So I wonder how many of those who
>     slate unity simply haven't given it a chance?
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